Plays perfectly on the Steam Deck. Default mouse controls are a great fit for this game.
Black screen and then shut down
6.16-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
I used the proton version of Glorious Eggroll to fix the TV bars issue when starting. This version of Proton supports more video formats so I'm guessing there are a few other video fixes that will run better with this version.
Game launches with colored bars screen but kicks into normal functionality after several seconds, after which it has run flawlessly for me
LowLevelFatalError on PopOS 20.04
Expected: Game to work without too much trouble (long shot, I know)
- Game launched with TV color bars
- Error is prompted after a few seconds (error was typed, not pasted):
LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown][Line: 339]
Direct3DDevice->CreateTexture2D(TextureDesc,SubResourceData,OutTexture2D) failed at C:/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Windows/D3D11RHI/Private/D3D11Texture.cpp:534 with error E_INVALIDARG, Size=1024x1024 PF=2 Format=DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_TYPELESS(0x0000005A), NumMips=10,Flags=D3D11-BIND_RENDER_TARGET D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE D3D11_BOND_UNORDERED_ACCESS, Usage:0x0, CPUFlags:0x, MicFlags:0x1, SampleCount:0x1, SampleQuality:0x0, SubresPtr: 0x0000000000000000, SubresPitch:0, SubresSlicePitch:0
Just awesome ^^
Other than the alt-tabbing issue the game ran perfectly. The original load took longer as always as steam has extra installs to make.
Mouse locked to window I had to alt-tab out of it.
I'm still only in the tutorial section but so far it has run flawlessly.
The game did not automatically detect my hardware specs, so as soon as it booted it set resolution to max, uncapped frame rate, and graphics settings on Ultra. Even then, the game started and ran. Once I lowered the resolution to 1080p and graphics down to High, my non-gaming laptop ran it smooth as butter.