6.16-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
I used the proton version of Glorious Eggroll to fix the TV bars issue when starting. This version of Proton supports more video formats so I'm guessing there are a few other video fixes that will run better with this version.
Great experience, as if I was playing it on a Windows machine
Some tearing at the beginning. Capped FPS at 60 and MSAA down to 4. Left everything else at default.
Besides the minor graphics issue, the game ran flawlessly. Cannot use the installed version from the windows partition, didn't start at all and trouble downloading shaders. After a fresh install (as you should do), problems where gone.
6.19-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Used Glorious Eggroll proton fork. Release 6.19-GE-2
When a menu or level is loaded, the audio cracks a few times. After that the audio seems to run fine.
A lot of black screen flickers when switching menu's. Last's about a second before returning.