The game itself isn't optimized very good. Even under Windows the performance is only 'okay' compared to newer Games.
game-performance %command%
Only worked with Proton 7.x.x for me. Proton Experimental and Proton GE didn't get the game to start. It could load a little bit longer the first time but then everything works without a Problem.
Spiel funktioniert so wie es soll, Proton 9.x.x leistet ganze Arbeit!
Not possible to join nor host multiplayer games. I got a "Invalid Session ID" message when trying both.
Blueprints can be difficult to read.
Can run at min 30fps with everything set to low and FSR to balanced
After updating to V 1.0 the game crashed using the initial Proton version 6.x (installed a long time ago) but switching to Proton Experimental fixed it and it works flawlessly.
Using DX12 may cause slowness and FPS drops, maybe using "-dxdr11" on launch options or marking "Play Ranch Simulator, DirectX 11 for use with OBS" will solve that problem (will run on DX11, obviously)
Works perfect out of the box.
Was able to start a game and invite a friend to my game. Multiplayer worked seamlessly and without hiccups.
Didn't run through Linux-Steam+Proton. But worked well through Bottles after installing Steam in a Bottle and install the game in there. Might be an Issue with AMD GPUs
Can run it with -d3d11 argument as well as -d3d12 Runner: soda-7.0.8 DXVK: dxvk-2.0-1.12901b5 VKD3D: vkd3d-proton-2.8
Also I'm using the amdgpu driver with Mesa 22.3.1
Alt-tabbing is a very basic thing and switching programs is a basic activity. It's very annoying not being able to do it.
Whenever I Alt-Tab the game hangs and never recovers. It also happens whenever I get any kind of notification from the system or other applications. If you change resolution and save the settings game won't launch properly.
Game hangs up with no recovery on any event of losing focus or notifications appearing.
The game launches normally but not being able to alt-tab renders this game a bother to play.
(>^-^)> Worked perfectly out of the box! <(^-^<)
Perfectly splendid!
Runs perfectly fine at 144hz
FPS at DX12 is low so that the game is unplayable. Running the game with DX11 gave me about 35-45 fps at medium settings.
Works perfectly fine with Proton 5.13-6. No performance issues whatsoever
Performance not optimal, some crashes on my system.
Popping out of some textures near the player character.
Low framerate, maybe because of the early access state of the game.
Some Crashes (~2 in 5 hours playtime). I don't know, if it is from Proton, or the game is just unstable.
I have to use Proton 5.x. on 6.x the game only runs in low-end graphics mode on my system (out of graphic-memory error in normal mode).
Con u procesador más bajo del recomendado y todo en épico unos 50-60 fps, el único fallo es que desaparezcan paredes y objetos.
A veces desaparecen y reaparecen repentinamente paredes u objetos
Häuser/Wand Texturen erscheinen erst nach ein paar Sekunden, nicht bei allen Häusern oder Wänden
Extremely low fps, unable to play
Works as expected
Low FPS, could be due to beta access. Have not compared to Windows performance.