I FINALLLY found a usecase and justification for my 32 core threadripper pro CPU in gaming. Processing the Vulcan shaders is a scalable task, so my TR Pro CPU munched what people gripe takes forever in a minute or two by using all 64 threads on it.
As a side note, processing the shaders also peaked at 20.7 gb of ram too (and spend most of the time at 16+), not including other things bouncing around my system, so I would recommend a minimum of 24 gb of ram for LARGE shader processing tasks like this one.
because of the timing of the crashes (near the end of a mission) unless you are saving every 3-5 minutes manually you WILL lose progress.
every 30-45 minutes the game crashes
Both versions freeze after initial game selection
After attempting to launch with all of the common Proton versions with and without NOSPLASHRELOAD. All attempts either did not get to the initial screen or froze on the splash.
Nvidia drivers are borking the game. The workaround is to disable the Nvidia GPU and run it on the iGPU (if you have one). Thankfully, this game is about as graphically demanding as a Youtube video, so it is not an issue to do this.
Game fails mid launch
Attempted all common versions of proton from 6.XX to 9.XX and GE 9.20, 9.12, 8.15 and others. ALL crashed mid launch with "LAUNCH ERROR #1." The logs from BOTH proton and Lutris launching via WINE do not record an exception that seems likely to cause this issue. (and yes, Proton EAC is installed)
Game only runs in full screen, instant crashing w/o fullscreen setting (even touching the fullscreen setting, without applying causes instant crash). Full screen did not stretch to cover the full screen, only covering the resoluton of 1280x720p. Instant crashing if the resolution was changed from default, with the exception of 1280x800
Controls tied to what would have happened if it was running true full screen
Extremely slow performance (8-45 FPS)
Multiple different proton versions were tried, in addition to changing graphics settings in the settings.xml file. SOME setting changes could be completed in the XML file and 'stuck' resolution changes did not, but most other setting could be changed successfully in the .xml file
The save functionality is a deal breaker for most; combine that with game video failing upon leaving game.. game must stay in fore
Could alt tab, but the games' video ceased to function after it going to background... this also applies if you click out of the game and onto something on a secondary mintor
game save system doesn't work
IF you don't like leading the battles manually this is good. If you prefer leading battles you will be disappointed.
Brief audio stuttering in battlemode, not necessarily coinciding with frame stutter
Significant performance issues in battle maps, sometimes hardlocking the game for 1-2 seconds. Appears to be worse on maps with trees although it happens either way. It is intermittent as well.
3 Crashes over 20 hours of gameplay. One on the tutorial two on Immortal Empires
Had to avoid activelly control battles when facing other players. Only works on Windows+Proton version
In battle stuttering MAY have slightly been improved with GE Proton
Game uses ALL cores to the max but only achieves 5 fps
This started occuring with the patch made to WoT 3-4 weeks prior to this report. the WINE_CORE_ workaround does nt work for me