If you want to play multiplayer, Proton is required to run the latest version of the game. NATIVE IS OUTDATED. Required the launch options "bash -c 'exec "${@/Launcher.exe/Borderlands2.exe}"' -- %command% -nomoviestartup -NoLauncher"
Native is outdated, can't play multiplayer with players on Windows, Proton is required to do so.
Splash loads, able to change settings. Regardless of settings, game window shows, is black, and closes after a second or two.
Gamemaker: Studio fails to work under every test-case, not suited for Wine / Proton at all.
If you're willing to put up with degraded texture quality even if the game is set to Epic texture quality, sure.
Texture streaming seems to be bugged or are incredibly slow. Game critical textures appear to load just fine.
Alt-Tabbing leads to a game crash.
ProtonGE and -d3d12 as a launch parameter are REQUIRED. Will not launch with one or the other alone.
Will not launch unless in dx12, which leads to instability and awful texture quality. Gameplay not achievable without it, though.
Borked. You need to put up with obscenely bad texture quality even if the game is set to Epic by forcing the game into dx12, or not be able to play it at all.
Runs pretty solidly out of the box. Could potentially be tweaked to running close to native speeds. I don't run very up to date hardware.
If you're willing to live with lag while the shaders compile for 30 minutes, have at it. The game is totally worth it, regardless.
Literally just in the credits sequence.
Some very frequent lag when the camera scene changes and when opening the map, but to my knowledge Windows has this issue too.