Bloo Alien
Thus far I have not yet had any real luck running EverQuest (Steam variant) in Proton, but for the first time today (with Proton 4.2-3) it actually ran! The launcher/patcher loaded fine and patched everything, and then the game itself loaded as far as the character select screen (which is where I gave up on it). The problems (for me currently) are that there were no graphics visible for the characters, nor for the game UI (although some text from the UI displayed, the graphical bits did not). I will try later to do some hackery using ProtonTricks, etc. and see if I can improve on things any.
In the meantime, anyone who's really dead-set on playing this game might wish to try the download version from the EverQuest website in PlayOnLinux, Lutris, or even just plain old vanilla WINE (latest version you can get), as this game runs nearly native for me in WINE. Once you get it running, you can always add it to Steam as an external game for easy launching and access to some of the basic Steam features.
As long as a "typical" gamer was able to locate a DRM-free game binary, they'd have no real problems enjoying this game on Linux.
Like everyone else who had any success with this, I had to install a DRM-free binary "HMA.exe" in order to launch and play this game.
When "Exclusive Fullscreen" is enabled in the game options, alt-tab tends to be rather problematic. Was much better after disabling that, but still a touch on the buggy side.
On rare occasion the game would crash to desktop (cleanly), but in all cases the game had auto-saved recently enough to not really interrupt my gameplay all that much.
If not for the DRM, this game would totally deserve a "Gold" or "Platinum" rating.
Game won't start due to broken Anti-Cheat.
As others here point out, all you'll get is a dialog stating "Abnormal game environment, please restart your computer and try again.