using Proton 5.09: Game Graphics broken after campaign intro => graphic trash and system hangs up
maybe one reason is my iGPU 4650G
Works out of the box with good performance - Vulkan seems to be a little bit slower (??!) but very playable!
AMD_VULKAN_ICD=RADV PROTON_LOG=1 %command% --intro-skip -skipStartScreen --launcher-skip
Since patch 2.0 mouse and keyboard input is shown in controller mode ... the game is still good playable
AMD_VULKAN_ICD=RADV PROTON_LOG=1 %command% --intro-skip -skipStartScreen --launcher-skip
ED did not start in several Proton versions :-(
I tried 6.12-GE-1 and Steams Proton <= 6.3-5 + Proton Experimental. Also I tried out some with protontricks as mentioned below. Sometimes the game starts to the launcher where I choose ED (w/o DLC). After that the intro starts, shaders are computed and then it stucks (with music playing and cloudy space picture).
current Proton and AMD free amdgpu for RX5500 XT
After switching to Proton 7.0.3 and getting current AMD drivers and 4.6 Mesa 22.1.4 all is working fine now
I like to fly :-)
freezing and stuttering, at loading textures or so ... frustrating, but playable
Game loads with "Hello Games" and "Havok" Intro, then it stops with an Error-Msg.
Game it with X11
Don't use Wayland as display server. The game runs only under X11. Played it with AMDs free vulkan drivers.
An earlier version was running perfectly.
At launch the game begins to allocate memory until the max (in my case about 15.5GB) then Steam crashes completely :-(
Crashes every time trying to build a house.
Could be a very nice game if the errors been fixed!
Crashes on welcome screen
After loading the intro image the game freezes while the music is playing. This kills the complete system. Tested with Mesa 23.3.2
Added AMD_VULKAN_ICD=RADV %command% for AMD Vulkan