Plays the same as on Windows out of the box
It got my steam cloud save and loaded instantly. Runs great, no glitches or problems, just upped my graphics settings and away I went.
Plays fine
minor stuttering issues on a 3080 RTX
Latest Proton works fine, minor frame drop problems.
Crashes on any multiplayer
Once it tries to make an authentication connection call against steam, it crashes. Might be related to wine not doing certain forms of encryption correctly.
Graphical errors pile up and make it unplayable after 10 minutes
%command% /edo /autorun /autoquit
Game loads and sometimes playes without errors--but it looks like it miscalculates vertices on the shaders for me. I think most the reports didn't try playing this for more than 10 minutes, but the graphical errors pile up over time and never get resolved. Sometimes this happens in the main menu, but the most common time that a new graphical error comes up is when you move between landed or supercruise. Changing graphics drivers versions didn't work. Recompiling shaders didn't work. Problem persists after all recommended avenues of tinkering and on every differennt GPU/3d setting available.
Everything worked fine on initial boot up and modifying all the options. I could run around and it behaved exactly how it did on windows.
SteamDeck=1 DXVK_FRAME_RATE=144 %command% -skipintro -useallavailablecores
Without changing your launch options, you won't get the cinematic cutscenes. Other than that, runs fine
Works great, minor annoyances
Menu check-boxes don't work for me.
Some menu items and cinematics don't work.
Most graphic settings have no impact. Motion blur is always there, vsync doesn't sync, ect
Stuttering/lag makes it unplayable
D3D options cause crashes
EULA screen doesn't appear, except in Proton 7-06. After accepting the (blank) EULA, you can switch to any other version.
If you can find the magic setup that stops stuttering, it plays well. Also, it works great on steam deck with these same changes
I have largely fixed the stuttering/lag issue. The key was to KEEP it at Proton 7-06 and to add DXVK_ASYNC=1 to the launch options. Stuttering still occurs, but can be greatly reduced by going into the game's graphics settings and bumping down the render scale option.
After about 3 hours of play, there's a chance it will crash to desktop.
Stuttering will still occur, but it'll be much less frequent, and for some reason it depends on how the game loads in the early stages. About 70% of launches have minimal stuttering, but the other 30% are nearly unplayable. I get the same experience on Steam Deck as on PC
DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command%
I shared my layout to community. There are a LOT of commands that are bound to button keys and some need a long press, so I re-bound left and right trackpads to match. Could not get Push To Talk working at all.
Game crashes are rare (only happened twice in 13 hours of play)
Older version of proton makes it run smoothly. It'll work on medium settings but I encountered issues if I launched the game and then plugged in the charger. Launch the game with the charger in and then you can plug/unplug as much as you want. It'll work fine on Medium settings, but low will likely give a better experience.
Despite frequent crashes, the game can get in a stable state and then it out-performs windows installs
DXVK_FRAME_RATE=144 %command% -skipintro -useallavailablecores
Save games regularly disappear, had to make an rsync script to keep them.
Tried all the tricks listed here. Crashes still occur frequently. My intuition suggests that it's when the game engine is lazy-loading something and needs to bump it up in priority, but something about its current running state forces an exception that just isn't handled with WINE
Try all the tinkering advice here and mix and match. It seems fixing the stability issues are still very much guesswork.