Perfectly playable with default Proton settings
There is an install prompt to get through which will require mouse controls but once the game is installed everything runs fine. No performance loss with default settings and game has 360 controller support so default Gamepad controls work fine.
The game is very much playable. Competitively, hell no. Casually, sure. FPS can tank at some points but lowering graphics tends to work
Added custom mappings since Valve decided to remove the official controller layout for some reason
Lowered graphics settings (shaders to low, anti-aliasing at lowest without being off, ambient occlusion off)
Text can be very small in menus
Can be particularly laggy when in combat. Overall playable but not for anymore than booting up a quick offline bot match.
Very poor frame times during intense moments and menus can often become confused and conflict with Steam Input
Audio but no video
Game starts up and controls work but there is only a black screen displayed.
Can yield some poor frames on more intense maps but an overall enjoyable experience
Frame limit 40FPS (40hz refresh rate) TDP 15 Decreased graphics settings, game looks good on the small screen
Ubisoft Connect is a pain to navigate and can often break the on-screen keyboard
Small in-game text, made worse when using plugins built for 1080p monitors
Pretty much perfect
Couldn't see any issues when playing besides the game itself being quite difficult to play with a controller compared to a keyboard
Unsure why this is unsupported on Steam, works perfectly.
Mapped all buttons to the different key commands shown at the start of the game. Used D-pad for door controls (left/right doors, up for front vent and down for side vent). Triggers and grip buttons control the number keys + monitor. Face buttons control flashlight/closing popups etc.
Settings are very small
With a little bit of editing to the controls (I've created a custom layout which I will upload to the community tab) the game is 100% playable.