HungHoro - [赫蘿]
Run basically out of the box, though lack of controllersuport so i have to make one myself. But after that everything just works.
Chat is basically smaller than an ant.
Ramdon 1frame freeze when things happened like you get headshoted.
Be noticed, EAC did fail to start with the game "1" time. After restart the game the issue resolve itself.
Run basically perfect, no obvious bug or performance issue.
Out of the box experience
TDP to 5, FPS 30
Works right out of the box experience, though the performance when bugs swarms you is pretty rough.
When bugs start coming expect to see your fps destroyed to around 20.
Not sure if its on the server side, the lag seems a bit more noticble on the deck compare to pc, but overall still totally playable
Overall playable and quite enjoyable for most of the time, remember to switch to community layout for better time playing with deck.
Overall experience is astonishingly smooth in low setting. Having average around 30~40fps most the time.
CryoUtilities all set to recommande and 4G vram.
Assign backgrip for stickpress and utilities function such as quick swap weapon and granade. And gyro on for better aiming.
use touch screen to start the game.
Probably cause by FSR setting
in-game setting cause the game crash.
ramdon game crash proably caues by poor stablity (hopefully fixed by dev in near future.)
The small screen of the deck maks this game a bit more difficult than your normal experience, recommand a mouse and keyborad+bigger display.
Weid situation keep freezing the game every time it need to load. Other than that the game actually went smooth. Sadly the freezing is bad.
The UI is a bit messed up but still readable.
1280 cannot maintain 30 fps. Need to tune it down.
Somehow during my 40mins of play every time a loading is in process the game just freez and need a hard shut and reboot into the game to get pass the loading.
Weird texture render issue.
Need to find a way to by pass the freezing issue otheewise unplayable.