Another game that runs like it is native.
Don't click on the title screen links to webpages, they don't work and will crash your game. As it isn't game breaking or effect game play in any way, I didn't bother to fix it.
Ran great. I've never played MO Astray before, so I don't know if there is any performance decrease. From what I could tell it ran smoothly.
It wouldn't show anything but a black screen without wine D3D. The command is as follows.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
No workarounds needed runs great out of the box. I only played on the 1st game using option 2 EGA edition, so I can't confirm the rest works just as well, but I have no doubt the rest will work fine.
Works well except all forms of battles, performance issues causing the game to be near unplayable, but still comfortable and fun to play. Loading areas also is noticeably worse than on windows with the same computer, with my character taking about half a second to pop up. In general I have really weak hardware, so any small issues are magnified on my computer.
There's a ram leak in the native version for the moment. Running it through proton crashes before you can see the title screen.
proton-ge-custom GloriousEggroll
Music missing everything else was there.
Ran smoothly. Rooms with mass amounts of storage had a large performance decrease.
Every 5 minutes about would lead to a crash
Works with a single change to launch options, but I suspect it's mainly my computer's fault.
The game works natively, however the Long War Rebalance mod works better when running through proton. I noticed no problems. My game didn't run without the launch flag, but that goes for most of my games running through proton. Unless you're modding your game, just stick to native.