The game can be played from beginning to end. Got my veteran achievement. Totally recommend playing it on proton.
Sometimes the audio crackles but it doesn't break the experience as the game is full of explosions.
Some of the fire textures show a weird yellowish outline, this occurs more often with the imps, but otherwise everything else works perfect.
Ran on Proton 5.0.9
the game runs but not as performant as windows, framerate going around 20-30fps
when changing resolutions it would crop so you would have to ALT ENTER to fullscreen and then ALT ENTER again to see the 100% window
controller did not work in the menu to get into the game
doesnt run as smooth as in windows. Would run around 20-30fps in proton while in windows its always at 60fps
Everything works great. No issues running it on maximum settings on a non-gaming laptop
Multiplayer was not tested as there is no people playing the game online actively
Audio crackling needs fixing as this is being experienced in all proton versions available in steam.
audio kept cracking or skipping, it was really annoying. If this audio gets fixed I believe the game would be good to enjoy.
Cant run the game
get a "something went wrong message" with a URL link to https://support.codefusion.technology/hmPDmm_54769/?e=88500006&l=english&s=at
Message about save storage doesn't let you play the game when trying to launch a game
loads main menu on in full screen mode followed by black screen
DOSBOX logo will show up in the top left corner of the screen.
will load up to choosing the main menu.
videos not playable
Plays just like in windows
controller not detected with proton experimental but proton-GE makes it work
directx 11 works great. directx 12 won't launch and crash the computer