You need to select either "force 64 bits" or "force 32 bits" in order for the benchmark to start. DX12 benchmarks didn't start, saying that a "DirectX 12 compatible operating system" is required. The app doesn't start if Windows 10 is selected as OS instead of the default Windows 7. SystemInfo takes an unusually long amount of time to scan on 64 bits (around 5 - 10 minutes). All benchs does not work with wined3d. Some artifacts on Cloud Gate and Sky Diver, I don't if it's a RADV or a DXVK issue.
Battleye could't load driver. The game does run with Steam running on Wine staging 4.9. mfplat.dll is needed. I've been able to do some games.
With Proton 4.11, the game can be launched (with a black screen instead of the video). However, I'm always kicked by Battleye 10 seconds after joining a game, saying that connection with Battleye server is lost.
No issues so far. Note that as a multiplayer game, it's not excluded that an incompatible anti-cheat system may be added in the future once the game is released.
Low performance difference between Windows and Proton on my system. Only need 1 workaround
Deleted intro movie to avoid a fatal error at the beginning. The movie is located at "/HJLC/Content/Movies/8.22 EN_1.mp4"
Tutorial videos can't be watched
I only have issue with the cursor which can sometimes disappear. The game is fully playable
You can't play tutorials videos. This is the only issue so far. Good performance. Still doesn't use an incompatible AntiCheat (It is not excluded that it will later). Tested during early access