- FireStrike runs with borked score - Night Raid runs with slightly worse performance - TimeSpy doesn't run at all
VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr11 gamemoderun %command% --use-gl=osmesa
No audio at all
Test I've run:
- 3DMark Night Raid: Scored a bit worse than my hardware on Windows
- 3DMark FireStrike: Scored wayyy too good for my hardware, almost double from the best result with my hardware on Windows
I think the score is borked and maybe got doubled somehow.
TimeSpy won't run at all.
protontricks 231350 d3dcompiler_47
There are some artifacts in Time Spy.
Time Spy starts running smoothly, then has long "halts".
I tried hard to minimize exactly what I had to do to get it to work.
Fire Strike DX11 seems to work really well.
To get Time Spy to launch I had to do:
protontricks 231350 d3dcompiler_47
Then it runs but it has a number of issues.
Only loads the basic window with white content.
You need to select either "force 64 bits" or "force 32 bits" in order for the benchmark to start. DX12 benchmarks didn't start, saying that a "DirectX 12 compatible operating system" is required. The app doesn't start if Windows 10 is selected as OS instead of the default Windows 7. SystemInfo takes an unusually long amount of time to scan on 64 bits (around 5 - 10 minutes). All benchs does not work with wined3d. Some artifacts on Cloud Gate and Sky Diver, I don't if it's a RADV or a DXVK issue.