Low fps (stuck at 20)
Game starts up fine and I can get 60 fps during main screen, character creation and tutorial. But once I arrive at the first island, the fps will drop and stuck at 20.
I've tried the game on Windows 10 and it runs flawlessly.
I tested the game with latest proton and proton-ge. Both have the same result.
The game works flawlessly with Proton and the performance is almost the same as I can get back in Windows 10. My controller (Logitech F310) did not work in the first place, but my controller started to work after following the solution from this link. https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/1549#issuecomment-447654643
Having frame drops problem with the latest version of Proton
The game used to run fine for me but I'm currently experiencing frame drops since the release of 4-11.7. It happens quite often while reading map and in combat when there is a big explosion or misty/smoke effect.
My controller is still not being detected and tweak is needed to make it work
The game works perfectly via Proton but my controller does not work in game. I think the issue is more like caused by the game itself rather than Proton. Overall it is enjoyable playing with keyboard.
Native version doesn't launch and it also doesn't work with proton 5.0.6
I have to use proton 4.11-13 to launch the game.