Worked perfectly, doesn't drain battery too badly. Just used the touch screen to control the game.
Runs perfectly
No problems whatsoever playing this game - played exactly as well as it did when I was playing it on my PC.
No changes to anything, seems to play just right
Made no changes to the game, haven't really been paying attention to the battery usage, but I'm only an hour in. So far though, game plays absolutely fine, I've had no problems with any of it. Reminds me of playing it on the PS3 all those years ago!
I'll update this in future should there be any issues.
Game runs perfectly
No tweaks needed, found the game worked perfectly and managed to complete it with no problems.
A tweak and a couple of things to be aware of, but works as you'd want it to.
Auto-save only seems to be a checkpoint system, if you exit the game without doing a full save where you sleep at a safehouse, it doesn't seem to recognise the auto-saves as having happened.
I completed the game 100% and had only a few issues, though they were major ones in that the final mission can't be completed on 60 FPS and auto-saves don't actually auto-save. Other than that, works well on the deck.