Runs perfect. Servers are dodgy but this is supposedly the case on Windows as well. Try playing on another region if connection issues.
Works flawlessly without tweaks.
The game is currently experiencing 10x the typical number of players and as such, server connectivity is very spotty. This is not in any way influenced by playing on Linux/Proton.
Seems to work just fine!
Strangely, the text "trial version" is stuck in the bottom right corner of the screen at all times, despite having paid for a legitimate copy of the game. I haven't found any info as to whether this has appeared for anyone else. It's not clear whether this appears because of playing on Proton. This hasn't affected gameplay after 100 minutes of playing but it's unclear whether it has any effect.
Runs flawlessly out of the box. Fullscreen mode is atypical on tested window manager (i3wm).
On i3wm, fullscreen doesn't cover desktop bar as it usually would. I imagine this is like "windowed borderless" as opposed to true "fullscreen".
Did not test controller support.
I don't believe this is required to run the game, but I personally use PROTON_USE_WINED3D
and therefore have not tested whether this runs using Vulkan/DXVK.
When I tested, there appeared to be some music/audio missing. According to some other players, this is replicated on Windows as well and therefore I'm reporting that Proton experienced no issues.
Runs smoothly, but graphics are significantly impacted. Terrain sometimes entirely black; can't see where to go. Audio desync in cutscenes.
Particularly during cutscenes, audio would begin right away while the video would still be loading, causing massive desync that never corrects itself.
While some things are textured correctly, others are entirely black -- no lighting/shading/anything whatsoever. Some walls/textures were actually invisible, allowing you to see through certain walls (most noticeable in Spongebob's house).
Effects like lighting & fog also seem to be inconsistently applied.
Initially, game could save (autosave) and be loaded successfully. However, after about 20 minutes of play, autosaving was absent and an attempt to manually save was met with the message "Error, game cannot be saved!"
Noticeable FPS drop when lots of objects/terrain are on-screen, e.g. looking far into the distance in an outdoor environment.
Controller input not tested.
Desync during cutscenes
Slight stuttering when loading new visuals.
Update to my previous report: Serious graphics degradation observed when running with PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1
. Seems to work perfectly with Vulkan/DXVK.
Problems with save games were also observed while playing with WINED3D but these problems did not occur again while using Vulkan. Unknown if related.
Controls don't feel native but game runs swell. Graphics and audio are perfectly fine.
Keyboard and mouse inputs would sometimes be ignored. This may or may not be a Proton-specific problem.
The mouse resisted moving down and resisted moving to the right, both in menus and in-game. It wasn't enough to disrupt gameplay, but if you were to move your mouse in slow circles in-place, the cursor/aim would quickly drift towards the top and left of the screen.