Launches rarely
After following every tutorial here, I've been completely unable to make it to work every time. It only launches SOMETIMES using Proton Experimental and Proton Experimental ONLY. Even though the launcher works, the game doesn't launch after clicking "start race". I'll keep on trying, but playing on Content Manager seems like a long way from where I am right now.
Mouse isn't precise at all, makes it really unconfortable to play.
Refuses to play when 60fps cap is selected.
Can't go past the EAC launcher.
I've tried latest GE and Experimental, both default and bleeding edge branches.
Completely borked.
Native crashes on map load-up, Proton crashes in team select just after load-up.
Perfect out of the box.
No tinkering needed, just hit play.
Almost flawless experience out of the box
Borderless doesn't get toggled properly
With no tinkering, the game runs and plays perfectly, even though I had some difficulties when toggling borderless fullscreen.
It doesn't launch
After clicking "Play", it throws up a default crash window which prompts you to send info to the developer. Nothing more.