Proton9 may cause issues. Use a fresh PREFIX folder! DO NOT turn up car reflection quality above Medium or CTD will happen.
CTD can happen at times, usually after match.
DO NOT turn up Car Reflection Quality beyond Medium as it will trigger instant CTD within 10 seconds of playing.
Proton8 seems fine when NVAPI is enabled. PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 Avoid turning up Car Reflection Quality beyond Medium or CTD. AMDGPU users may have a different set of issues. I have everything turned up max except DOF (looks bad) and CarReflections (crashtodesktop) and I get well above 60fps, but you'd expect that with a 4090!

The game has a CTD issue which is aggrevated with higher gfx settings. However it still will very often CTD.
Sometimes the creation of the proton prefix can cause the game to get low 1-3fps.
Deleting the prefix entirely and re-creating it often fixes this issue, or try a different proton version.
Unfortunately this doesn't fix the random CTD issues which is IMO the MAIN issue atm with this game. The CTD produces no error output or log!
May also happen on windows. Could be related to specific graphic settings as lowing them to minimal reduces mid-game CTD but often crashes at match end.
It may be possible to get it to work fine on older proton versions or with specific setting configurations or proton flags. There doesn't appear to be any exact fix for everyones ctd at this time. The LOW FRAMERATE issue however can be fixed by deleting the prefix and trying again, maybe with different proton version. Not sure what triggers it originally.

Need to force enable Steam Input

Poor performance issues when using standard Proton with NVIDIA. GE-Proton8-32 is that last version that works. Supposedly with Proton 9 onwards the NVAPI flag is on by default and is not required anymore. For me this results in single digit frame rates in game. Stick with GE-Proton8-32 for best performance

Averages around 90 FPS, drops to 70 FPS at intense scenes

It seems literally dead. No matchmaking by design makes things even more difficult.
It seems literally dead. No matchmaking by design makes things even more difficult.
Gamepad not detected is unsolved mistery to me. It's enjoyable with keyboard and easy to mod especially the music package. Check this in case you are interested how - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soZy2MGeJig
Game works only on Proton-6.5-GE-2 or Proton-6.9-GE-2. On later versions game crash or have 5 fps.
gamemoderun %command%
Make sure to proprely configure and install the Video encoders
DXVK_ASYNC=1 gamemoderun %command%
Use Proton-6.5-GE-2. All high settings 60fps.
With Proton-6.5-GE-2 the game is flawless. Requires a custom controller layout otherwise no issues found whatsoever and solid 60FPS.
Required custom layout
Game will launch without changes but it will be nightmare (~10fps normal, ~30 low sett.).
After some research (thanks to Flowyflo99 from reddit) I found out what you need to do.
1.You need clear install or delete old proton files of the game
2.Install Proton-6.5-GE-2 (only this version, lower version will crash and higher will eat fps)
3.Force steam to launch game with Proton-6.5-GE-2 in launch settings of the game
4.Launch game and wait a few second (I had to wait for proton to install the missing driver)
5.Enjoy the game, i have stable 60 fps with medium shadows and other settings very high
Crashes every time the race loaded.
Crashes every time the race loaded. On any game settings. On every version of Proton and Proton-GE too.
set to minimum settings
2 fps at normal settings, 30 fps at min settings. perf is atrocious. the issue was reported on protondb github in 2018 and never fixed.
devs need to stop loading nvapi.dll 10000000x per second. valve should add a workaround.

Loads the track, crashes at 100%
Loads the track, crashes at 100% loading. Tried every graphic option and tweak. Crashes every time.
surprisingly wel running on stemec
Using GE-Proton7-16 with the "PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 %command%" the game runs beautifully on a 3080 at a rock solid 125fps at 1080p with all settings at highest.
Be sure to use the "PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 %command%" as without it the game ran at ~25fps with all low settings.
Using Fedora 36 Beta with Wayland Gnome.
Slightly playable on 3080 at low settings. Unplayable on high/ultra.
RTX 3080 was struggling to keep 25fps at 1080p with settings on high. Disabling car reflections and shadows bumped frame rate to 65fps
At times the music becomes very loud. When I restart a race, sometimes the sound of the vehicles does not work anymore
I had to disable the depth of field. The graphics card remains blocked at 30% of maximum use and crashes often, except with the following option gamemoderun PROTON_HIDE_NVIDIA_GPU=1 %command%
Almost impossible to start a game under Proton 6.3.8 or experimental. I tried the PROTON GE versions listed in the comments without success.
Under Proton 5.x the game starts but the graphics card is not used, ~15fps to 30fps Under Proton 6.3.8 the game starts sometimes, but the graphics card is used at 30% which gives ~25fps to 40fps. With the PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 option I get ~90fps when a game starts.
Almost impossible to start a game under Proton 6.3.8 or experimental

Proton 5.9-GE-6-ST GloriousEggroll
Slideshow with normal graphics settings. Put everything to minimum and re-enable one by one to find the problematic option...

Game dosen't start
Tested with GloriousEggroll 6.16-GE-1 and 6.9-GE-2

6.16-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
6.16-GE-1 (by GloriousEggroll)
it works with old version Proton-6.9-GE2. Newer versions have performance issues (did not tested until which version it works fine..)
sometimes motor engine sound is gone. Not often and after restart of the game it works perfect with old version Proton-6.9-GE2. Newer versions have performance issues
It's still unplayable. (Proton 6.3-6)
black stripes
mouse in menu
slide show

6.9-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Your engine sound is gone when you repeat an actual ended race.
Game crash when you repeat a actual ended race.
I already writ a review for Proton 6.5-GE-2 and this version is very unstable. With version 6.9-GE-2 it is possible to play the game relatively good. But never repeat an actual ended race! Your engine sound will disappear and the game crash after a while. I've tested it yet but I think it's better to repeat a race from the race select menu.

6.5-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Pretty much unplayable, with ProtonGE 6.1 it worked sliughtly better but still very low framerates
Default proton versions gave terrible performance.
TKG or other proton versions other then ProtonGE will result in very low frame rates!

Runs great with GloriousEggroll's fork of Proton. I used Proton-5.9-GE-6-ST and got solid 60fps (capped) with highest graphics preset.
5.9-GE-6-ST GloriousEggroll

Game run very well. 2560x1440x144hz, high preset. Xbox 360 controller also work perfectly. So far i did not encounter any issues.
Proton-5.9-GE-5-ST GloriousEggroll

Slideshow framerate makes the game unplayable.
60fps at main menu, 13fps in game.
Works very well, BUT you must use 5.9-GE-3-ST Proton, or perf are really bad. With the GE version, no issue.
Works great with the 5.9-GE-3-ST fork of Proton
Performance suffers immensely if you raise the graphical options "Car Reflection Quality", "Shadows", and "World Distance".
In my case, setting Shadows to "Low" instead of "Off" was enough to drop me from above 60 fps to 20. Some areas of certain maps were much worse.
At least one map has crashed as it began loading.
Getting extremely poor performance even with the lowest visual settings.
5-15 fps when a light source is visible. 60-70 fps when there are no active light sources visible.

broken on AMD
On Vega based GPUs it gets to the loading screen then crashes to desktop. This is the same on windows apparently.

5.8-GE-2-MF GloriousEggroll
Blurry image, maybe faulty draw distance
Sensitive to framerate. The lower it is, the more prone to crashes the game becomes.
My experience is, that getting up to around 60fps the crashes are MOSTLY fixed. On my rig in 4K ballanced preset it rund at around 35fps average. In 2K better quality preset, motion blur disabled it rarely dips below 60fps.
It also has a problem, that your car is sharp, but everything around you that is more than a couple of car length away is blurry. Probably the draw distance is failing.
The other Proton version I tried is 5.0-7, with which my average framerate was around 5fps. It can go as high as the mid teens in less demanding places. Regardless of the graphics settings.

Still unplayable as of Proton 5.0-7
Under 10 fps completely unplayable

Editted config.lua to set to start windowed instead of fullscreen. Could probably have done it in the game itself though. Maybe it didn't like dual monitors, though the menu displayed just fine.
Crashed when attempting to bring up the map view.