The audio can be heard, and the first achievement is unlocked. The screen is completely black though.
Cannot be played in any capacity.
Takes long to launch. The screen is black until I wait a while and then press enter, and then alt tab out and back into the game. The game itself works fine until I get enough concentration (60), in which moment the game just crashes. Online play was not tested at all.
Runs flawlessly out of the box. Played the first three missions. Listened to every dialogue, played with the settings. No issues at all.
Hint: If you want to set custom resolutions, manually edit [...]/steamapps/compatdata/3980/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents/CivCity Rome/CivCityRome.GraphicsSettings.xml
My laptop has old (2012 ish) hardware for which DXVK is not supported. I had to use WineD3D instead (PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1). But there aren't any problems once I do that, and performance is not an issue with this game.
On my desktop PC it worked out of the box.
Everything works exactly as it does on Windows, with no performance degradation that I can notice.
If you try to use the text input while in Big Picture Mode, it's gonna pulse back and forth between Steam Overlay (with input) and the game (similar to alt-tabbing really fast).
This is NOT a Proton issue, as one of the friends with whom I play this in co-op, has that same problem on Windows.
The game is very short. I 100%'d it in 10 minutes. Everything ran like native during that time.
Launched every minigame for the achievements. Didn't actually play them but they all started without issue.
The system becomes laggy while alt-tabbing, but this really shouldn't be an issue for this game.
Everything works except the Steam Controller. Well, the SC itself works but configuring it doesn't make any difference to the game. E.g. the A and B buttons are switched, no matter how I configure them. Also: Beware that you need to do manual fixes to support modern screen resolutions and to remove the fog glitch (see the GOG wiki page for this game), but those issues are also present on Windows 10
Works fine when disabling esync, but the framerate is quite bad and after a while it's not really playable. And that's even on a GTX 1080. Plugins also seem to work fine - I use quite a lot of them.
Runs perfectly. Played through the first 3 missions as well as starting random custom maps to see if it works. No problems at all.
However, there are some issues that are also present on Windows (this is why I gave a Platinum and not a Gold), namely: You cannot change the graphics settings, and you don't have access to high resolutions. Both of those issues can be fixed with registry changes and executable patches, but I won't link them here (a quick googling will suffice).
If you're fine playing in windowed mode.
Mouse cursor and input did not work for me while in fullscreen.
Mouse cursor and input did not work for me while in fullscreen.
It's a terrible game, so it's not going to be enjoyable. But it's going to be just as "enjoyable" as it is on Windows.
Starts up fine, the menu works, but when starting any map, it just crashes right after the progress bar.