Epic Alex Furry
Game lagged really badly on the default proton especially on the last level
Crashed once during the monorail
Performance noticeably improved after switching to an older proton version, also switched render from dx11 to dx12 (make sure to turn off ray tracing) and set max fps to 30. Only figured this out on the last level though and didn't test it for the others
Game worked fine for Days 1-5 but on Day 6 the game keeps crashing
Game looks oddly pixelated on steam deck compared to the screenshots and videos of it elsewhere, I set scaling filter to FSR and FSR sharpness to 3 and it seemed to fix it.
Had occasional audio issues but these would only last a second, not enough to be an issue
Game crashed exactly once but was otherwise fine
Fyi idk if the issues I found were because of the steam deck or if they also happen when playing the game on windows
During the Vanargand leg fight I would sometimes get an issue where the enemy was damaged instantly instead of after the firing animation finished
Save data from Fuga 1 had to be transferred manually in order to get bonuses, use Kobun42's steam guide
Also tried Experimental and the one reccomended by default and all had the same issue with controller inputs not working
When launching the game for the first time you get a window that makes you install c++
Occasional crackling
Set resolution to Borderless 1200 x 800
Game requires you to tap on the touch screen before controller inputs work
Title screen works fine but game gets stuck in a white screen when playing the first cutscene
Game starts up fine but when you start a new game it gets stuck on a white screen and you can't continue.
Diagetic controller prompts written on signs showed the mouse and keyboard but the non-diagetic ones showed controller icons
Game plays fine but if you exit to the steam menu it's a little laggy
Controller worked initially but randomly stopped when I booted up the game one day and I couldn't fix it, seems to be an issue across multiple platforms
Game would slow down significantly when there was fire on the screen and during a certain boss fight. The slowdown made the aforementioned boss significantly more difficult and frustrating to defeat
Get it on PC instead