No Linux exclusive issues other than Wine CFG adjustments to correctly fullscreen aspect ratio.
Wine CFG change needed to run the game at the correct aspect ration in fullscreen
To fix the issueswith the game not correctly sizing to fullscreen regardless of selected option in-game:
Open winecfg, either by running WINEPREFIX=[Steam directory]/steamapps/compatdata/350070/pfx winecfg, or using protontricks 350070 winecfg.
Untick all Window settings under the Graphics tab (Allow window manager to decorate/control and Emulate a virtual Desktop). Game will not start if Emulate a virtual desktop is checked
Audio missing on all in-game FMVs due to the .wmv file format and may crash or cause the game to hang on launch. Will need to be converted.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
Audio is missing on in-game videos due to .wmv file format. Will cause the game to crash or hang in certain instances. Skipping or removing the videos will bypass the issue on current default Proton.
In GE-Proton, the videos will play as muted and will need the audio converted.
The following script will convert the audio-codec on the .fmv files within the Lost Dimension/Video install directory using ffmpeg. Execute the script within the same directory as the video files.
# Directory containing the .wmv files
# Check if ffmpeg is installed
if ! command -v ffmpeg &> /dev/null
echo "ffmpeg could not be found. Please install ffmpeg and try again."
exit 1
# Loop through all .wmv files in the specified directory
for file in "$directory"/*.wmv; do
if [ -f "$file" ]; then
# Get the filename without extension
filename=$(basename "$file" .wmv)
# Use ffmpeg to transcode audio to opus and keep video as is
ffmpeg -i "$file" -c:v copy -c:a libopus "$file".mkv
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Successfully transcoded $file to ${filename}.wmv"
mv $file.mkv $file
echo "Failed to transcode $file"
FPS Drops occurr in-game when a large amount of the user-interface text/font is being displayed (both gameplay/ui and menus) at once.
FPS Drops occurr in-game when a large amount of the user-interface text/font is being displayed (both gameplay/ui and menus) at once. This can happen from anywhere from changing some of the settings (60+ locked to 30-35 FPS when adjusting display settings in menus) to in-game FPS drops due to the boss HP bar and number values being displayed.
It seems that whatever method used to load the text and localization (located in the res/ folder) causes massive FPS drops when a lot of characters are on screen or being loaded/altered at once. For example, any of the score tally/totals, the boss HP, spell card names, etc. This seems to tank FPS regardless of hardware and does not happen with the same hardware on Windows.
Text/UI engine causes massive FPS drops when a large amount of text is displayed at once. Perfect otherwise.
FPS Drops occurr in-game when a large amount of the user-interface text/font is being displayed (both gameplay/ui and menus) at once. This can happen from anywhere from changing some of the settings (60+ locked to 30-35 FPS when adjusting display settings in menus) to in-game FPS drops due to the boss HP bar and number values being displayed.
It seems that whatever method used to load the text and localization (located in the res/ folder) causes massive FPS drops when a lot of characters are on screen or being loaded/altered at once. For example, any of the score tally/totals, the boss HP, spell card names, etc. This seems to tank FPS regardless of hardware and does not happen with the same hardware on Windows.