The tutorial and the cutscenes after stage 4 won't display any text unless gdiplus is installed.
The controller configuration tool works out of the box and all of the missing text is fixed by installing gdiplus.
Crashes frequently during multiplayer
Graphics do not render at all if upscaling is turned on
My entire PC freezes randomly after joining a multiplayer lobby
The first part of the demo runs good enough after turning off upscaling, although anything afterwards is pretty much unplayable.
Your own country flag in WormNet doesn't change properly, even when using LC_ALL launch options. By running regedit through protontricks, you can manually change the "Nation" key under "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International\Geo" from 244 to whatever value you need. A list of values can be found here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/intl/table-of-geographical-locations