Due to the 2042 anticheat being added to battlefield V, the game is no longer playable on linux. At all.
Game opens, plays its short logo intro video, and goes to a black screen. Steam overlay is still responsive.
I consider this game borked for now, but if you already own the game you might as well give it a shot. Its really inconsistent and it may work fine for you, or be entirely unplayable.
The usual proton DX fix, as stated by other users. Game runs perfectly other than that audio bug, however after performing the protontricks fix, there is a barely noticeable but definitely there audio delay persistent throughout the whole game. I had to take a video and slow it down to 0.4x to verify that the audio delay was there, but my ears could definitely feel something was off before that. Using launch options "PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=80 %command%" unfortunately did not fix for me.
I had to choose between the 'sounds like youre really there' coolant explosion or a slight delay.
Surprisingly, running through proton seemed to make me immune to a specific bug that caused crashes for windows users. Granted the bug has been taken care of now, but I thought that was very interesting.
Make sure to run that protontricks fix.
I was unable to properly fullscreen the game on my system, but yours may be different. Playing un-fullscreened was fine though.
If youre fine with 40fps youll probably enjoy the game.
Could not get above 45 fps, even with all settings at minimum and framerate uncapped. FPS would periodically drop to the low 20s.
It appears the developers have ceased active development on this game, so dont expect any improvements on their end. Any performance boosts will come from proton or wine.