Game would freeze my computer.
After starting it up the mouse cursor would change to what I assume is the in-game cursor and then it would start blinking rapidly. I could still move the cursor around albeit extremely slow. The first startup showed a background with stairs and blue flames at the top before freezing, but the second time the screen was black and the mouse cursor dim before freezing.
Does Not Start
Steam will try to run the game after I press the "► Play" button. The "► Play" button switches to "x Stop" and after a few seconds switches back to "► Play." I have not tried to tinker with it yet.
The levels would take a significant time to load (5+ minutes). Don't know if it is game or incompatibility with Linux.
Will sometimes completely freeze. I was sometimes able to kill the process without a computer restart, other times a reboot was needed.
The shortcut keys that use SHIFT, CTRL, or ALT would never work.
Had to use startup option PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 before I was able to get to in-game menu. The game would hang and freeze during cutscene.
I was still able to ALT+TAB out so at least it didn't freeze my entire computer and force a restart. Also tried previous Proton versions to copy some of the Platinum reviews.
Although it didn't work at first, after trying different options and restarting 20+ times, the option "PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%" worked.
Still not sure why the PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command% didn't work at first and I think I must have typed a wrong letter or something because after deleting the entry in 'Start Launch Options' and typing it in again, it worked great.