Seems to work without issues. I Had to manually configure my controller.
Game displays xbox button prompts which misled me into thinking my controller (Xbox 360 controller) was automatically detected, but wasn't working. Turns out I had to navigate with the keyboard to the game options and manually configure my controller.
Played the tutorial missions and the first mission, everything seems to be working perfectly.
Windows version through Proton runs perfectly out of the box.
I played from the later half of the game til the ending with a save from my old playthrough on Windows, didn't experience any issues. Started and finished the Assault on Dragon Keep and Captain Starlett DLCs, no issues as well. Performance-wise, it was the same as on Windows. I didn't test multiplayer and the other DLCs.
I managed to play it on Proton 5.0-10. For some reason, I have to left click twice in the black screen to proceed to the main menu. In newer Proton versions I can hear the intro videos sounds and music playing, but nothing is show on screen. The same occurs in the main menu, I can hear the main menu options being highlighted, but nothing is displayed, and I couldn’t find a way to fix it.
SilentPatch and Widescreen Fix installed and worked without issues. Low-end PC users beware, the Widescreen mod adds antialiasing by default. Be sure to edit the widescreen ini file and disable AA in case the game becomes taxing on your hardware. If you use both mods, don't forget to set in your launch options the following command to properly load them: WINEDLLOVERRIDES=”d3d8=n,b;ddraw=n,b” %command%
The game almost works out of the box. It still needs tinkering to fix issues and provide an optimal experience.
6.21-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Low audio quality ingame, especially voices (menus and cutscenes are normal). I experienced this issue on Valve's protons (tested 6.3, 5.13, 5.0) and the most recent Proton Experimental at the time of this report. Audio quality is normal on Proton-GE (only tested the 6.21-GE-2 release).
Intro videos are not working properly. I can hear the audio, but nothing shows up on screen. Sometimes the game launches in a black windowed mode or the screen gets garbled, giving an impression the game/system froze, but clicking with left mouse button or hitting Enter skip the videos causing this issue and it properly proceeds to the main menu in fullscreen. I experienced this issue on all Proton versions and Proton-GE I listed previously.
Essential mods like SilentASILoader, SilentPatch and Widescreen Fix were easy to install and worked without issues. The downgrader requires the user to externally use wine and run an install script, but it did not provide any additional difficulty or problem, it downgraded the game version normally and cleanly.
Sometimes the main menu is extremally laggy after launching the game, but it goes back to normal after a few seconds.
Terrible experience to get it to work, and it still has some nagging issues, not optimal for the average user.
I managed to play it under Proton 5.0-10 and below. For some reason, I have to left click twice in the black screen to proceed to the main menu. In newer Proton versions I can hear the intro videos sounds and music playing, but nothing is show on screen. The same occurs in the main menu, I can hear the main menu options being highlighted, but nothing is displayed, and I couldn't find a way to fix it. Setting up a virtual desktop and running it in windowed mode sometimes works, but not always.
SilentPatch makes the game hang on the initial loading screen if I overwrite the original "maps" folder with the one included in the patch. The culprit is an incorrect named file from the patch in data/maps/hotel. Simply renaming the file hotel.IPL to hotel.ipl fixed it. Widescreen mod works without issues. Low-end PC users beware, the Widescreen mod adds antialiasing by default. Be sure to edit the widescreen ini file and disable AA in case the game becomes taxing on your hardware. Don't forget to set WINEDLLOVERRIDES="d3d8=n,b;ddraw=n,b" %command% as your launch options to load the dlls required for SilentPatch and Widescreen mod.
Works perfectly out of the box.
Played for about an hour. Tested all modes for a bit, entered some battles. No issues encountered, everything worked perfectly.
Had to install xact through protontricks to get the audio to work, otherwise there was no audio whatsoever except from the intro splash screens.
Some black stripes artifacts were popping up constantly on my screen. Turning Vsync On in the game video options fixed it.
Some random crashes. Seems to be tied to how long I've been playing for the day. Restarting the game periodically, like once an hour or two, prevented these random crashes from happening.
I played it from start to finish with a Xbox 360 controller and Gentlemen of the Row mod installed, both worked flawlessly. Due to my current system being a low spec laptop, I can't give an accurate report on performance other than the game being taxing, but playable.