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If you're alright with stutters that don't affect too much of the action, I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time!
The game stutters a little when loading in new content. (Level transitions and opening doors mainly)
gamemoderun mangohud DXVK_FRAME_RATE=60 %command%
Audio during cutscenes cut out or paused, while the video kept playing.
A bit of stuttering during gameplay, a lot during cutscenes, and a few freezes occuring seemingly random.
It works well enough that I didn't get taken out of the experience.
Alt-Tab crashes the game.
Level loading times were higher than normal, and stuttering was prevelent when loading new content (Level transitions, opening doors, etc.)
Audio cuts out a bit when loud sounds play.
The game runs almost flawlessly without any game-breaking bugs. Audio issues don't ruin the feel for me, bu it could be something to look out for.
The game runs just as well as on desktop linux with a controller! Cloud saves makes it magical to switch from pc to steamdeck in a hurry.
gamemoderun mangohud %command% --use-d3d11
Fullscreen will cause the game to not boot. Borderless Windowed also has a small outline about one pixel think.
The game is very CPU intensive, and just did not perform very well on my old-gen processor.
Playing with certain friends caused the game to crash repeatedly.
If you you don't mine turning down the graphics settings, playing at a lower 30fps, and rendering at a lower resolution, the game will be great. Hopefully your mates don't cause your game to be unstable.
The game runs butterly smooth, maybe even better that when I played on windows.
Make sure you are using an EXT4 formatted drive. The game will not run on NTFS.
The game runs at a high framerate without any issues (Except when I push it to its limit) without any tinkering.
VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/radeon_icd.x86_64.json VK_LAYER_PATH=/usr/share/vulkan/explicit_layer.d PROTON_USE_WINED3D=0 DXVK_DEBUG=none RADV_DEBUG=llvm gamemoderun %command% -forceAllAdaptersSupported
Occasional stutters
I could not get RTX to work, but the game still looks and performs nice on high settings.