With the provided launch parameters I have been able to play for hours without crashing, before I would crash every 20 minutes.
gamescope -w 2560 -W 2560 -h 1440 -H 1440 -f -e %command% WINE_DISABLE_VULKAN_OPWR=1 WINEDLLOVERRIDES=vulkan-1=n,b PROTON_HEAP_DELAY_FREE=1
Game sometimes loses focus when the match starts. Alt-tab out and back into focus to regain mouse control.
Occasional mouse focus loss
The game does not close gracefully. I need to terminate the gamescope-wl process every time I close the game.
Occasional mouse focus loss when entering a match or garage after a match.
This feels like this could be fixed in a proton update if it got some attention, this would be a fantastic steamdeck game.
Kudos to TheSola10 as their launch parameters in combination with gamescope got this running well for me.
Kicked by anticheat with a message threatening that subsequent kicks will lead to a ban
Game starts but kicked from matces at the beginning.
%command% -dx12
Without the dx12 flag I had a terrible memory leak that would crash the game very quickly.
Game worked perfectly out of the box!
Was able to host multiplayer matches without issue.
Once you get the game running, it runs exremely well. Every once in a while the game will crash on launch, restarting steam usually fixes it
As others have said: No NPCs spawn in the world and the game is unplayable until you add:
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 131072 16777216 net.core.rmem_max = 16777216
to the file at: /etc/sysctl.d/local.conf
Alt-tabbing out of the game will break it when you tabbed back in, forcing you to restart the game.
The Alt key does not activate the in-game cursor like it should. If you mash Alt you can see the cursor trying to appear in the center of your screen. A workaround for this is to open your inventory, the cursor will be available.