Works with Proton Experimental and latest nvidia vulkan Beta Drivers in dx12 mode.
(closed beta) Doesn't play loading videos, the game itself ran as well as it could given it wasn't a very stable build.
Has the same bugs as the windows version, the closed beta was more of an alpha build.
Runs with normal proton and xbox one game pad, without having to do anything extra.
Games runs out of the box.
Steam loaded up the controller config but the game it self did not respond to any controller input.
Gamepad was not detected by the game, Multiplayer was not tested.
The game has an animated backround for the main menu that the fill in for mf-plat in experimental substitutes for.
Made a custom proton rc4 staging with the tkg script on manjaro. Game runs perfect with it.
In 2d menus/panels.
Slow downs when 2d panes/windows pop up mouse feels laggy. Has slight hitches, probably to do with dxvk caching, only happens occationally.
Did not play videos, Proton experimental supplimented a fill in so you could skip and continue.
Network play and solo play works as expected no graphics glitches. Runs out of the box no mods.
(Reported experimental version: proton-experimental)
Installed D3DCompiler_47 with winetricks Manually downloaded cryptsp.dll and put it in the games executable folder Used winecfg to add cryptsp.dll and set to native.
In the 3rd fight it had some weird texture tearing, hard to describe. only happend while rotating the camera.
No work arounds were required to run video. logs said it was using dx11.
added D3DCompiler_47 with winetricks. Manually added cryptsp.dll to the games executable folder. (manually Downloaded) Set cryptsp.dll to be used as native with winecfg
Strange tearing while rotating camera during the third fight.
logs show the game using dx11
Installed D3Dcompiler_47 with winetricks Manually downloaded cryptsp.dll, then put it into the games executable folder. Used winecfg to dll override cryptsp.dll to native.
Some pixel tearing, it may have been a driver issue though, after upgrading to 460.39 barely happened anymore.
Given that it is early access, the game does have issues accross all platforms so it is hard to say what problems are proton related or EA related.
Game shows in log files that it is using dx11 not dx12.
All videos are borked, graphics are borked. Have to click/button mash to get rid of starting black screens.
Looks like everything that is not a character silhouette in conversations are big block lines that are placed in weird places, cannot see enimies or dungeon.
Had no idea where to select which game I was playing, selection my have been hidden in a black screen.
Haven't tried running the game with any fixes.
Need to button mash to get past black screens on boot up, with dxvk workaround, graphics display properly.
Videos are borked, uses mp4, tried using mf-install and it causes the game to crash on startup.
A dxvk.conf file is needed with d3d11.disableMsaa = True as its content. Put in the games launch options DXVK_CONFIG_FILE="/path/to/dxvk.conf" %command%
The game works out of the box and runs great with a xbox one controller.
Did not check to see if the game had any loading videos.
Runs great, had no issues running it with an xbox one Controller.
Tested with proton experimental. Driver used for wireless game pad was xow The Dungeon rescue worked properly as well, have tested.
Works with Proton Experimental, some videos do not work.
Some videos did not work Media Foundation Problems.
Works without issues with ProtonGE-6.10
It ran ok
had some lag spikes
Hand of Merlin now has a Linux build as it's standard install, you may need to install libc++ for it to work though.
Games runs out of the box but is missing character models and many textures are missing. With Use Wine D3d11 the game was more stable but had texture flickering that was excessive withmost world objects.
Works great aside from having to install uplay and having to manualy exit the uplay app after exiting UNO.
Proton-5.9-GE-5-ST GloriousEggroll
I use GE by default, it may not be needed. Used protontricks to easily find the pfx through the gui interface. Used the path to install uplay with WINEPREFIX=/path/to/wine/prefix/pfx wine "uplayinstaller.exe" <- not actual name of exe just a place holder.
Uplay Overlay Does no work correctly, disabling it in uplay gets rid of any potential issues