runs perfectly fine. only minor issue is that mouse clicks don't register if they're too fast.
As previous report states, installation and setup requires removing the 'dep' folder before first run, running once to set up the WINEPREFIX and then running 'protontricks 205060 d3dcompiler_43 d3dx9_43'.
Native build has actually been borked for some time due to it not being updated to work with libcurl4 installed. Easily fixed by temporarily rolling back to libcurl3 and copying the required 'libcurl.so.4' library into the game's 'lib64' directory.
Native build long since fixed to include the right libraries, but Windows version also still works just fine under Proton.
Runs perfectly, and works better even than native Windows in some respects such as alt-tabbing.
Given the appropriate graphics settings (VSync etc.) it's perfectly smooth. Was able to play at maxed Ultra settings and 144Hz refresh rate.
RaceNet consistently refuses connections made to it via Proton, so Global Challenges and Rival data isn't actually accessible outside of Windows/Mac. The rest of the online play still works perfectly fine.
Seems to suffer from a possible regression bug on Proton Experimental, as the in-game lighting would frequently block out everything else from view and many textures and objects would not render properly during track events. This was fixed on my end by using the stable Proton 7.0-6 build instead.
Good native support for Linux almost out of the gate.
Particle effects on dirt and grass often turn up black.
Was able to connect to the legacy RaceNet site just fine to complete a medal challenge.
Arch-based distro users may need to install the older versions of some libraries that the game was built against back around 2015(?). In my case, I needed to install an OpenSSL 1.0 package and libxcrypt-compat before the game would even start up.
Don't even bother.
MIDI music refuses to play, everything else suffers from crackling.
Unbearably laggy and unresponsive. Interacting too fast with the game brings it to a crawl.
Played well to 100% achievement completion with next to no issues, as long as I didn't switch tags (dwm).
Tiling window managers might cause issues: switching tags in dwm left the game unresponsive except for audio, and squeezed the game graphics down in a corner of the whole window leaving black space everywhere else.
Played to 100% completion with no issues. Doesn't even require any prior tweaking unlike on newer editions of Windows.
Switching workspaces forces the game into a black screen after switching back. Note that tiling window managers like dwm don't behave nicely with a lot of natively-fullscreened games anyways, so this may not necessarily be an issue with the game itself.
Requires Java 7 or newer (native Windows version) to be installed under a standard WINE installation. To install, ensure you have the empty directory '~/.wine/drive_c/users/[user]/AppData/LocalLow/Sun'. After it has been installed, move the Java installation from your WINE 'drive_c' to the 'drive_c' under compatdata/392610. Files and directories in particular to be moved are:
- C:\Program Files\Java (or Program Files x86 for 32-bit installations)
- C:\Users[home user]\AppData\LocalLow\Sun
- system.reg and user.reg for required registry keys
Initial Swing GUI used for game settings would black out, leaving only hovered-over buttons to be visible until maximised to show briefly again.
Previous report from 4 years ago is obsolete, as the game since 2020 has been shipping with an included Java 15 runtime in advance.