PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 gamemoderun %command%
Used "UnknownLair" 's Patch to Fix all the Crashes and Freezes.
Edited "res.aitd" and set the Resolution = 1920x1080
Controller was detected but needs to be manually mapped. I read that you can get gamepad to work by Renaming/Backing up "xinput1_1.dll" - I've yet to test this.
Running without the Patch, the Game kept freezing and running OOM.
"UnknownProject Lair" Patch (Github) + d3d9.dll/d3d9.ini
Use the d3d9 Wrapper Fix & the Patch. Game works excellent.
EAC (Easy AntiCheat) Engine is built into the game. Without some Research & Modification, you can't get into Ranked.
PROTON_EAC_RUNTIME=1 %command% gamemoderun %command% -framefixunbounded -unlockfps -setfps 320 PROTON_USE_D9VK=1
Bypassed EAC to get into Ranked.
You can Symlink, Export a Env Variable, and use the Variable in Steam to bypass EAC, to get into Ranked.
My PC is a Potato. I'm sure it would work so much better, with a newer CPU & GFX Card.
EAC Bypass: Install Proton EasyAntiCheat Runtime through Steam Client. - Either to your main drive, or the second HDD which holds the game (Which is what I did (Latter))
cd /home/$USER/.steam/root/steamapps/common/ mkdir Proton_EasyAntiCheat_Runtime - (Might not be needed since Symlink would create the Folder - I didn't Re-test without creating the folder.)
ln -s "/mnt/Stuff/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Proton EasyAntiCheat Runtime/" "/home/$USER/.steam/root/steamapps/common/Proton_EasyAntiCheat_Runtime/" (I Replace the spaces with Underscores, as not to confuse the detection of the Path) (Absolute Paths are Recommended.) (Make a Symlink FROM your drive that you install Proton EAC from Steam Client. TO the Local Drive (It's important that Proton EAC is linked to the Local drive, not ext) Do not just Copy and paste the commands, as it may be different on your system.
export PROTON_EAC_RUNTIME=/home/$USER/.steam/root/steamapps/common/Proton_EasyAntiCheat_Runtime (Export this Variable from the Terminal.) (Again, Path may differ on your system)
printenv PROTON_EAC_RUNTIME (Check it has been Exported)
PROTON_EAC_RUNTIME=1 %command% (Start your Launch Commands with this Var + the %command%) (All your other Commands go after this)
You should now be able to play the game 100% & in Ranked.
gamemoderun PROTON_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 %command%
Create a copy of the unpatched hl2.exe to the "bin/" folder. Name it "untouched.exe". - This is not optional. You must keep an unmodified executable named untouched.exe in your bin folder. Patch the original hl2.exe (you can use https://ntcore.com/?page_id=371)
Applying the Patch & using the Custom gmod-lua-menu - I went from 40 fps to 100+ fps. (64-bit Beta, Not needed)
Game still crashed if Server goes down for maintence. Switched Maps. Etc. - Not much of an issue for me.
My PC is a Potato, so I had to Tinker this game for some suitable performance.
No Beta Binaries needed. Just Patch and add Launch command + Other you may need. I also used the Custom Lua Menu.
It doesn't run well at all on Native. I highly recommend running this through Proton 7.0-4
gamemoderun %command%
Overlay is completely Borked in Native, on my system. Alt-Tab is the same. Freezes up and needs to be force closed. Use Proton.
Acheivements have Not been tested. I will update my report if need be.
PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=80 gamemoderun %command%
Audio was a little off. PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=80 - Fixed this.
It was still showing a Mouse+Keyboard Overlay type style but my Controller still worked.
Game doesn't even run in Native. I was forced to use Proton. A Lower Version of Proton (4.11-3) Worked for me.
DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command%
Block the Server in your Hosts file - Online Servers are dead anyway. - It Fixes all the FPS Pausing.
On the Main Menu, the FPS keeps going from 1, then jumping back up. Every few seconds. - Causing infinite Freezes.
I use DX9 - It runs better && Faster.
DX11 is too Heavy for my System. - DX9 was better Overall.
If you don't have a Consistent Connection for "Online" (Dead now) / Or using a VPN. - You will see a Significant Lag in the Game. - You can choose to play this game in Offline Mode. - Or Choose to Redirect to Localhost.
This is using GE's Custom Proton, Since Native is kinda Bugged. Added a Block in /etc/hosts. It fixes all of the FPS Freezing. There's no need to use ProtonTricks to also Block it in Proton/Wine - It will work straight from the Host Machine. - Result: The game works amazing now!
sudo nano /etc/hosts
####### SR3 Lag Fix. sr3.hydra.agoragames.com