Native is good, but proton version is better.
Here's a thing, if you install cstrike with half-life, make sure you change both games to native or proton, otherwise it just keep crash.
Game is pretty solid, I don't have any issue. And if you wanna play with bots, install podbotmm, not that zbot. I tried zbot and it works, but it's really bad. podbot has better ai and waypoint, just don't play with zbot, please.
Yeah you need waypoint file for podbot, and when you install it, you will get some default waypoint in podbot's folder, like de_dust2. If you want more waypoint, you can check this out Bots United, and some podbot 2.5 waypoint will works just fine.
Proton-6.9-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Manually set resolution to 16:9 won't change menu resolution, only change in-game resolution, and cannot change resolution in-game.
When I set resolution to 1920x1080 and multisampling to 16, game start stutter.
Here's how to change resolution and fix in-game hud.
- Open $(steamfolder)/steamapps/compatdata/6920/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents/Deus Ex - Invisible War/user.ini, change FullscreenViewportY to 1080, and FullscreenViewportX to 1920 (Or any resolution you want, but I didn't test other resolution, you can try it). Save it and leave it.
- Open $(steamfolder)/steamapps/common/Deus Ex Invisible War/System/Default.ini, change FOV__d to 53 if you use 16:9 aspect. The less value makes hud shrink more. Save it and leave it.
- That's it, you can start playing game without 4:3 aspect ratio. But keep in mind, once you exit the game, the next time you start game, you will notice the resolution change to 1280x1024, but don't panic. If you load the save or start a new game, the resolution will restore to 1920x1080.
Mouse locked at bottom right screen, cannot play.
In-game gamma is fine, but I can't move my mouse, it's locked to my bottom right screen. When I start a new game, my view just keep flicking around. Maybe it's just because I use awesomeWM and the game hate standalone window manager.
If you wanna play with mods, play with proton.
The native version is great, but if you wanna play with mods, then native version is pain in the ass. Install proton version will prevent this pain. But keep in mind, some mods won't work even you installed proton version.
I can't even finish colombia level because of the bugs.
Sometimes gun shot audio doesn't play, and no in-game music.
Lighting issue on some spot.
AI in this game is so fucked up, you can even tell your action will or not trigger enemy's alarm. The kevlar is piece of shit. If you died and continue the level, and you pick up a kevlar, the kevlar won't work. So just restart the game when you died.
Atleast this game is runnable, performance not drop, pretty good game xp.
After finished main mission (Ground zero), game crash or close.
Use proton5.9-ge-5-st
Proton-4.20-GE-1 GloriousEggroll