8w 40fps high settings gives a really nice and stable performance for lots of hours.
the game is pretty ok, no more UBI launcher problems nowdays on experimental, the graphics scale pretty nice, the game is cpu bound, so keep that in mind, a cap of 30 or 40 will do wonders and you can play for lots of hours with ajusted settings.
Game runs fine like windows under proton 5.0.1.
a small freeze in the menu, for like 10 seconds
If running under any other proton version including GE, the game crashs on launch. I tried to apply the "atelier stutter fix" and the game didnt load the fonts. D3D or D3D11 crashes the game, even under 5.0.1. DXVK is the only way to go. Videos also do not load and jump straight to menu.
finally on proton 7.0.1 the video intro runs. Dont know why, but other atelier games still doesnt run the MF media videos. Go figure, but at least with Sophie OG the game is perfect now.
doesnt run here, tested lots of proton versions, crashes when launching. Maybe its a nvidia problem, since amd users told that the game run.
videos are working, performance is on par or maybe better than windows using dxvk on my hardware, shader cache work wonders. Perfect.
i've tried a few months ago and got stutters everywhere. Now, its amazing.
gamemoderun %command% -novid -nojoy -vulkan
some textures are blacked out
performance is subpar even with vulkan
stutters related to vulkan cache
only performance related problems
-vulkan makes the game run only in native. I cant force my 720p res, it always crashes.
windowed doesnt work, so yout cant force fsr
works fine, the game is a bit hard on the deck cpu mostly, so you can force 800p high 30cap and have 2 hours of gameplay fine. 40fps is out of question cause the cpu struggles a bit to maintain while in races. Better to cap at 30.
runs great but since we cant use settings.exe to set it to fullscreen or do other tweaks to the game, is playable only, not perfectly.
needs proton 5.0.1 and protontricks 304240 -q wmp11, after that runs like butter with dxvk.
needs wmp11 to bypass video black screen
game runs perfect with proton GE with videos and all, but 7.0.1 still cant show the videos.
videos still dont run, but shows a placeholder on proton 7.0.1
Gameplay wise, its fine. But videos are necessary to understand the story, so, needs thinkering
Runs perfectly, no tweaks needed, tested pretty much everything possible, no bugs related to linux compatibility, performance is the same or better than windows.
Proton-6.9-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
didnt see any of the problems that people said below, no stutter on anime or cutscenes. Game runs perfect, maybe even better than windows.
Tested with Proton-6.9-GE-2 and it run amazingly. Performance pretty much the same with windows.
missing chars textures on menus only
the game runs fine, its pretty scalable and you can mess up with settings to choose whatever way you want to play. low graphics and good battery or the oposite. The missing graphics on menus, will probably be fixed soon so i dont even worry much about it.