Does not open
Recent versions of Proton (5.x) simply do not open up the game. Older versions (4.x) show the following error message:
Win32 function failed: HRESULT: 0x80004005 Call: at line 230 in file \Graphics_DisplayM.cpp
Runs perfectly but with some missing backgrounds
The background of some skins will be completely white such as Square Dance; Water, Flower & Lights; prime factor.
Some other skins have missing background effects. It may be difficult to distinguish the pieces from the background because of this. Some of the tutorials also don't display at all.
The game crashes when exiting, but that's a non-issue really (unless you haven't saved the game).
Game crashes after loading DAY 1
The Media Foundation DLLs are necessary to get the video tapes to show during the title screen (otherwise the TV will just show a white image with no sound), but I still wasn't able to play the game. It crashes during the 'DAY 1' text, right after the sound effect plays. The text itself doesn't render either.
Aside from some minor issues, I find that this game actually runs better AND looks better on Linux, if that makes any sense.
All player's names use Courier New instead of...whatever font it's supposed to use. This is specially noticeable on Online mode. Because of that, any non-english character shows up as a block.
As someone else pointed out, if you use Windowed mode, the game is supposed to scale with the window, but it doesn't. It keeps the same internal resolution, so everything just looks blurry instead. Maximizing and unmaximizing it will make the game scale properly however.
Does not work with Proton 5.0-4
Worked with Proton 5.0-3 and continues to work with Proton 4.11-13.
The window/fullscreen problems would likely be too annoying for anyone, except for the most determined, to play this game.
%command% -f -CustomResolution:enabled -r1600x900x32 -intro:off
Changing config files did nothing, running winecfg helped
By default, the game WILL run on fullscreen normally, but hitting Alt-Tab and then coming back to the game breaks the UI horribly. When using virtual desktop mode on Wine, the game runs on "windowed" mode, but the game is off-center, and half of the game is off-screen. You can resize the virtual desktop window to "fix" it partially.
The game MUST run on fullscreen mode. Windowed mode comes with extreme unplayable slowdown.
Some users report having no or almost no issues. I wonder if this problem varies depending on Distro or GFX card?
Gameplay seems perfect, menus can be a bit weird
I need to make sure I do not move my mouse at all while the game is starting up until it finishes loading, otherwise the window will vanish into the ether (I assume the game tries to go fullscreen, fails, then its window simply just disappears) making me have to restart the game to get it back. Changing to Fullscreen or Borderless also seems to cause the same issue.
Orbiting around the world in one of the menus is severely slow, but it's not going to affect gameplay