Movement is crippled. UI is terrible.
Much of the text is too small to read comfortably.
Movement with the left joystick is extremely slow.
Tooltips or button popups all have strings that reference some value and don't convey the intended meaning.
On top of all the issues it has, navigating the UI often requires a cursor, which further makes the game unwiedly to play.
Needs control configuration, but works besides that.
Set the left and right joysticks to use Joysticks. Set Gyro to mouse movement for more reliable aiming.
I only played through the first level and spent a bit of my time tweaking the controls until they were comfortable, but after that it played pretty smoothly.
Adding SDL_AUDIODRIVER="pulse" %command%
to the Launch Options fixed it.
Cinematics display a black screen. You can skip them with ESC and still get relevant dialog from it.
Going through the tutorial worked without complications.
The game crashes early into the game. One would not expect to be able to complete even a single run.
The game appears to crash at certain "points", I've crashed during the loading screen, after clicking "End Turn", and after matching a set and preparing to attack. The game uses up one or two CPU cores to the max and the entire system freezes up. Audio is still played in the background and I can SSH in and close the app to fix it.