Metro Goldwyn Frajer
Not nearly Windows performance but playable.
Runs great on Deck
Decreased sensitivity on right analog to 120 for smoother joystick-mouse movement
Don't switch resolution from Fullscreen to Augmented after starting a game, it will cut off the mouse area and you won't be able to reach the bottom 1/3rd of screen anymore even after restart. You can fix it by temporarily binding Alt + Enter to some buttons and triggering it twice to toggle the windowing mode or fully deleting the game data.
Default mouse controls are way too sensitive
Native experience of the legendary adventure
Only black screen for GE-Proton8-2 or Valve Proton 7.0-6, Proton 8 Experimental works but overall performance is very underwhelming
gamemoderun %command%
Game performs very poorly with Proton, the second area dropped as low as ~15 fps on decent hardware
Game might need some fixes directly from Red Hook, playable on Linux but very sluggish
I didn't see a need to force OpenGL as some of the other reviews suggest. Aside small horizontal black bars caused by the Deck screen ratio the game runs great out of the box with excellent battery life.
Rockstar Launcher works out of the box with GE 9.11, remembers the login just fine. Resolution has to be changed from 800x600, runs 90 fps.
Game isn't exactly made for Deck, you play in a short noodle in the middle of screen
Runs flawlessly, if you can get your hands on a key (game was pulled from Steam store)
Dr. Gustav's report is correct, the game no longer launches with any current Proton. Using 7.37 GE works well and doesn't need any additional libraries for playing cinematics. It may be that some minor versions above 7.37 also work but I haven't tested them specifically.
Played through the whole game with GE9-20 without any issues whatsoever, performance was perfect.
DXVK_ASYNC=1 gamemoderun %command%
Mouse sensitivity settings way too sensitive between 0 and 1
Only black screen using ProtonGE, Experimental works
Random multiplayer is dead, but easily playable with friends
Works perfectly out of the box, great performance and battery life
Text is generally smaller but readable
Cursor didn't appear while holding R2, I had to set it to Software mode in GameSettings.yaml
Outside of the issues with hardware cursor not being visible on GE (might work on Valve Proton didn't try really) the game performs perfectly!
DXVK_ASYNC=1 gamemoderun %command%
You must create the user_settings.config file yourself since the Edge-based launcher fails to do so
Sometimes the game shows window decorators when you alt-tab there and back, can be reset in settings menu
Beta has no mouse sensitivity settings, not really Proton's fault
Inconsistent framerates, rather slow for average graphics quality of the game
Menu typography is rather small but not unreadable
Game doesn't support Deck's native 16:10 and displays grey vertical letterboxing until you enter the game or change some display settings, then it turns black
Game UI wasn't designed with a small screen in mind but it's not a dealbreaker