radeonsi_disable_sam=true AMD_DEBUG=nowc %command%
O jogo tinha Stutter , porém usando o comando radeonsi_disable_sam=true AMD_DEBUG=nowc %command% e travando a 90fps no goverlay o jogo parou de ter esses problemas.
Obrigatorio usar radeonsi_disable_sam=true AMD_DEBUG=nowc %command% e travar o FPS.
gamemoderun PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 PROTON_USE_D9VK=1 %command%
Um pouco de Stutter
Para o jogo rodar sem stutter precisa por um comando na inicialização da Steam : gamemoderun PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 PROTON_USE_D9VK=1 %command%
RADV_PERFTEST=gpl %command%
Use the monitor with a setting of 59.95-60hz, use the following command when running the game on Steam, RADV_PERFTEST=gpl %command% and you'll have a stutter-free game.
gamemoderun PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 PROTON_USE_D9VK=1 %command%
Lock: 60 fps 1: Go in game and turn motion blur off 2: Go to /home/nobara/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/1693980/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/Dead Space (2023) 3: Delete everything that's in the "Cache" folder 4: start the game up and dont touch any key, let it do the shader compilation again 5: Play the game and do not change any of the settings or you will have to repeat the entire process
Use DVXK Gplasync for no more Stutter Tutorial here (First comment)
dxvk-gplasync v2.4.1
Stutterfree: Lock the Monitor at 60hz, 1: Go in game and turn motion blur off and configure the graphics as you want. 2: Go to /home/nobara/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/1693980/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/Dead Space (2023) 3: Delete everything that's in the "Cache" folder 4: start the game up and dont touch any key, let it do the shader compilation again 5: Play the game and do not change any of the settings or you will have to repeat the entire process. No more Stutter
Like everyone else, I suffered from the heavy Stutter that Dead Space has, the developers never fixed this error, I've been playing on Linux for some time now and I've used several distros and I've always tested Dead Space Remake to see if any Distro or Proton would fix this problem and finally today I tested a new distro that has its own Proton-Cachy, CachyOS and the first game I downloaded was Dead Space Remake to test without much hope with its proton and here I am to say that this OS and Proton fixed Dead Space Remake's Stutter, finally...
MANGOHUD=1 MANGOHUD_CONFIG=fps_limit=60,no_display,vsync=0 gamemoderun %command%
Um pouco de Microstutter, porém consegui concertar usando o Proton oficial da Steam, e o comando de inicialização , que vi de um outro usuario .
Microstutter , porém é concertado usando o MANGOHUD=1 MANGOHUD_CONFIG=fps_limit=60,no_display,vsync=0 gamemoderun %command% na inicialização e usando um Proton oficial da Steam.
python er-patcher --all --rate 120 --increase-animation-distance -- %command%
Usar o Python er-patcher para desbloquear o framerate
Desativar completamente o resizable bar na placa mãe , quando ativado a animação de ressureição dos esqueletos da uma queda absurda de FPS, desativando o mesmo é corrigido.
Não usar o reshade , usar o controle direto no cabo(não usar via wireless ou bluetooth) , usar o proton recomendado , e jogar com o frame desbloqueado usar o mod , (120hz) para ter as cutscenes sem stutter, no geral seguindo essas recomendações você tera uma gameplay fluida no modo offline sem stutters ou microstutters.
Colar isso na Engine.ini resolve 99.99% dos stutters
[/Script/WindowsTargetPlatform.WindowsTargetSettings] #D3D12.PSO.DiskCache=1 #D3D12.PSO.DriverOptimizedDiskCache=0 #GeometryCache.LookaheadSeconds=3 GeometryCache.PrefetchSeconds=0.9 #D3D12.ZeroBufferSizeInMB=32 #r.RHICmdAsyncRHIThreadDispatch=1 #r.RHICmdBalanceParallelLists=2 #RHI.MaximumFrameLatency=16.7 #RHI.GPUHitchThreshold=8 r.LandscapeLODBias=-1.8 r.LandscapeLODBias=-1.8 r.ParticleLODBias=-1.8 r.SkeletalMeshLODBias=-1.8 r.MipMapLODBias=-1.8 DefaultGraphicsRHI=DefaultGraphicsRHI r.AllowHDR=1 r.HDR.EnableHDROutput=1 D3D12.UseUpdateTexture3DComputeShader=1 #r.CalcLocalPlayerCachedLODDistanceFactor=3.0 r.AnisotropicMaterials=1 r.SupportAnisotropicMaterials=1 r.MaxAnisotropy=8 r.Vulkan.AllowAsyncCompute=1 r.Vulkan.AllowPresentOnComputeQueue=1 r.Vulkan.EnablePipelineLRUCache=1 r.Vulkan.RHIThread=2
[/script/engine.renderersettings] r.Tonemapper.Sharpen=1.6 r.CreateShadersOnLoad=0 niagara.CreateShadersOnLoad=0 #r.ShaderPipelineCache.Enabled=1 #r.ShaderPipelineCache.SaveUserCache=1 #r.ShaderPipelineCache.StartupMode=2 #r.ShaderPipelineCache.AlwaysGenerateOSCache=0 #r.Shaders.FlowControlMode=0 #r.MeshStreaming=1 #r.Streaming.PoolSize.VRAMPercentageClamp=32 #r.Streaming.PoolSize=64 r.TextureStreaming=1 #r.Streaming.PoolSizeForMeshes=-1
[TextureStreaming] r.UseShaderCaching=1 r.UseShaderPredraw=1 r.UseAsyncShaderPrecompilation=1 #r.XGEShaderCompile=1 #r.MeshStreaming=0
[ConsoleVariables] #AllowAsyncRenderThreadUpdates=1 #AllowAsyncRenderThreadUpdatesDuringGamethreadUpdates=1 #AllowAsyncRenderThreadUpdatesEditor=1
[/script/engine.streamingsettings] s.AsyncLoadingThreadEnabled=1 s.LevelStreamingActorsUpdateTimeLimit=0.20 s.UnregisterComponentsTimeLimit=0.18 s.AsyncLoadingUseFullTimeLimit=0.22 #s.IoDispatcherCacheSizeMB=8 #s.LevelStreamingComponentsRegistrationGranularity=1 #s.LevelStreamingComponentsUnregistrationGranularity=1 #s.MaxIncomingRequestsToStall=1 #s.MaxReadyRequestsToStallMB=1 #s.MinBulkDataSizeForAsyncLoading=0.25 s.PriorityAsyncLoadingExtraTime=0.08 s.PriorityLevelStreamingActorsUpdateExtraTime=0.08 s.ForceGCAfterLevelStreamedOut=0 s.AsyncLoadingTimeLimit=0.167 s.ContinuouslyIncrementalGCWhileLevelsPendingPurge=0 s.AllowLevelRequestsWhileAsyncLoadingInMatch=0
[/Script/.Engine] FrameRateCap=60.000000 FullscreenMode=0
It loses about 10-15fps compared to Windows
Stutters are from DX12 and VKD3D caching. Set Steam launch options to -DX11 %command% (Use Lutris if the games crash at startup) and run with RT off. Smooth as butter under DXVK.
Traversal Stutter em algumas áreas, é reduzido travando o monitor a 60hz junto com o goverlay a 60hz
Traversal Stutter
Tirando uns pequenos micro-stutter é o melhor jogo da From Software disparado , aqui é voce e suas habilidades.
game-performance %command%
Change Proton version deletes the save
Stutters - Lock the monitor at 120hz fix this
Estou jogando no Linux(Cachyos) Roda muito bem com o proton(Use uma versão apenas, trocar versões de proton faz com que os saves sejam apagados, ou se for trocar de proton certifique-se de salvar eles em outra pasta), trave os hz no monitor a no máximo 120hz para evitar ter problemas com os Stutters (No Windows instale o jogo em um HDD para não ter stutter pois o jogo odeia SSD, já no Linux não tem esse problema roda muito bem no SSD), outra coisa , use o guia para evitar que os saves sejam corrompidos :
sudo dnf install pulseaudio --allowerasing, sudo dnf upgrade --refresh, sudo dnf install pipewire-pulseaudio --allowerasing e Audio FIX!
%command% skiplogos
Audio Estralando
sudo dnf install pulseaudio --allowerasing, sudo dnf upgrade --refresh, sudo dnf install pipewire-pulseaudio --allowerasing.
USE PROTONGE 9.12 this fix the conection error and crashes.