各位中文玩家,語言用中文是打不開的喔!請換成 **英文** 我試過protontricks 安裝中文語言(cjkfont)也開不起來 目前跟電腦AI玩沒有問題。 every chinese user, switch to english can save your day
for me it always lag 10 seconds to start after game loading is finished, single player is fine but multiplayer for me will lag behind.
will lag behind other players for 5-10 seconds to start and then 8x to sync. tested in ssd and hdd
一定要上腳本喔!!原因看來是這遊戲的c++ 跟system32 的不合,所以要重抓微軟的換掉。沒上腳本的話不只中文開不起來,還會讓你玩十分鐘就跳出遊戲畫面。提醒如果安裝在不同硬碟的話請自己改腳本的安裝位置 please use script or you will regret
only launch for the first time .Then nothing can boot it up. quite dissapointed that old games is stucked by that 2k launcher
PROTON_LOG=1 bash -c 'exec "${@/2KLauncher/LauncherPatcher.exe/Binaries/Win32/BioShockInfinite.exe}"' -- %command%
I tried symlink,open with bottles, add bioshock infinite.exe to steam library and open , and command . Nothing works!!Screw 2k launcher
eval $( echo "%command%" | sed "s/2KLauncher\/LauncherPatcher.exe'.*/Binaries\/Win32\/BioShockInfinite.exe'/" )
use the launch option to skip 2k launcher or you will not able to open the game. And for me, steam from debian have issue that make open all 2K game impossible. reinstall steam in flatpak version and enable home and mnt directory it works
記得畫質調低 滑雪地圖一點卡
**Wow!!** It runs better in proton than windows
framerate from windows 40+ to linux 70+ with almost identical preset!! I didn't expect that
wow 同樣的遊戲linux 上跑得更順耶!!真是想不到 。same game same file runs better on linux . Impressive!!
試跑之後只能說真心推薦linux 版本
manjaro xbox controller not working, but linux mint one works. why??????
why controller for flatpak steam in manjaro not work but flatpak steam in linux mint works?
keyboard and mouse works flawlessly. why controller pick distro?? I use flatpak version it should work. remap controller works pretty well by the way.
筆電永遠使用intel 內顯而使用不了nvidia.laptop only can launch with intel igpu, not nvidia's
強制切到nvidia 也沒有用。force use nvidia command also not working