A Linux user
Can't run through Proton; doesn't start-up.
Game currently doesn't work on Linux.
Doesn't go past the (image) intro start-up. Tried most Proton versions and doesn't work through WINE-Lutris
FPS runs better through Windows however both Linux and Windows suffers from poor optimisation however Linux has been hit the worst.
FPS runs atrociously through Proton. The games FPS is extremely unstable and cannot be played even on the lowest settings.
Game runs mostly stable if not for its weird input bugs and random drops in FPS
Cannot use key binds when in fullscreen mode.
Slight to concerning FPS drops at totally random periods.
Unstable and poor (unplayable) performance for both the menu and in-game if the graphic scale isn't adjusted to a lower setting.
DirectX 11 should be run on the lowest settings, and most importantly, with the graphics scale set to 50%. I have otherwise not experienced any problems with the main menu, as other users have reported.
The game becomes unplayable once you have entered a mission; the frame rate becomes quickly intolerable and heavily unstable.
Unstable and poor (unplayable) performance for both the menu and in-game if the graphic scale isn't adjusted to a lower setting.
Initially, I attempted DirectX 11 on the lowest settings and, most importantly, with the graphics scale set to 50%. I have otherwise not experienced any problems with the main menu, as other users have reported, and during the mission setup, the game otherwise ran smoothly enough until entering a mission.
Doesn't work through Proton or when launched through Steam.
To play this title you must launch it through the .exe found within the Steam files. This game otherwise runs perfectly fine natively and I have experienced no issues.
Game runs very well and is stable however be mindful of the performance if you don't run a higher end system.
Runs on 30-50FPS on very low settings.