shadows are weird depending on quality setting.
Only in the Lambda core, at higher graphical settings.
The game works fine until Lambda Core's chapter, in the middle of which I can't pass a section without crashing, no matter which setting I use. Switching to proton instead of native doesn't fix it and get it stuck in a "loading" screen.
The default Steam Play compatibility tool for my comp (GE-Proton7-16) worked fine with the exception of the lowest area of a few maps having a texture failure (pink-fill area). This was only a real problem in "Tiltin North's Bridge 4" (slopemania extension) where it hid the bottom's fixation point and the finish area.
Switching to "proton experimental" fixed that display issue.
The game doesn't allow key changes, so if using an AZERTY, you'll want to install iBus and switch the keyboard to english while playing.
beside the first launch, intro videos have been pretty laggy
problem seems to come from the Source engine itself (or rather, it's compatibility with my drivers or card), as the same issue popped up in Black Mesa, Snowdrop Escape, HL2 ep1 and ep2.
problem seems to come to the Source engine itself (or rather, it's compatibility with my drivers or card), as the same issue popped up in Black Mesa, Snowdrop Escape, HL2 and HL2 ep2.
problem seems to come to the Source engine itself (or rather, it's compatibility with my drivers or card), as the same issue popped up in Black Mesa, Snowdrop Escape, HL2 and HL2 ep1.