Low FPS, interface problems, and soft-lock on game start
Game technically runs with MF update and WineD3D11, but background images low res or missing. Game generally not playable as intended.
Game with Wine D3D11 and MF produces nearly unplayable mess with missing graphics. Game without D3D11 and MF does not load. Tried Kernel 4.15 and 5.0. Identical posted specs to functioning entries, but still won't load properly. Waited for 10 - 20 minutes on hung load screens in different configurations to confirm. Game is playable end to end, and the program ran with no other flaws for over 30 hours, but this is not actually playable. There's a config issue outside of Proton/Wine that determines functionality, apparently.
Backgrounds missing
Slow initial load
Crash when entering game proper.
Input is broken outside of menus. Unplayable.
Mouse constrained to 4:3 area after alt-tab
Could not click on any characters, making game unplayable.
Perfect out of the box.
Crashing on room change starting at around three hours total game time (not session time). This began to accelerate the longer the game ran. Around five crashes in seven hours, all in the last four hours of play.
I can't be certain the crashing was Proton related rather than the game itself, so I feel this is a perfect result.
Requires DX11. Hangs on black screen after opening logos; likely an error to load a movie.
Does not load with Esync disabled.
Game requires Media Foundation to be installed. Appears to work flawlessly once MF installed.