It passe through the launcher and when it launch the game it make me logout.
black screen, and sound bug, when Alt-tab. So leave through shift-tab.
The game is unfinished.
before mac update. I was around 30fps, after 7 fps
Add "--in-process-gpu" in lunch option to run the properly the game. Some character are missing. And for the sound it's normal it's the game
Americans :/
Follow the guide of 100%vape shaman but there is a new UI for Bottles that could fooled you. SO note : 8. No X button, just a Triangle(open) or a square(close) and there is a optionselect above the window with "kill all processes". 9. I tried "small mode" but my pc crash, it's surly because of my old pc :| 12. In" programs" there there will be 2 programs "steam" and "Neotokyo°" and "Neotokyo°" have as lunch option "steam://run/244630" and disable "Use a virtual desktop". I only run "Neotokyo°" and it's working fine.