Game worked great (I think I had to open and close it around 2/3 times on first launch). After around 5 hours of play, the sound went all weird and game speed stuttered. Though that might be due to rending more soldiers than my HD 6670 can handle. This is why I'm going to be upgrading to an RX 550 so I'll do another report with that. Also my current video card doens't support Vulkan where as the RX 550 does.
I'm not sure how to do any of the above tweaks. I tried to install and run the game and it gave me a error report called "oops": The game crashed. The crash report folder named "2018-11-14_185136" next to game exicuteable. It would be great if you'd send to the developer of this game!
I'm am currently trying to send this report to the developer with a plea to get it working with Proton so I can buy the full version of the game.
All works brilliantly. Even multiplayer works perfectly on both co-op and vs modes with two steam controllers! Make sure that both controllers are working (able to control) steam menu before launching the game.