This game requires Proton 3.16-x, as with the 4.2-x branch the game FPS is basically garbage (1 - 5 FPS). However, after switching back to Proton 3.16-x the game runs perfectly without any issues.
As others mentioned, "Un-Bearable" is semi-broken, as the bear won't always break the wooden platforms, making the secret area unreachable in some level runs.
As previous reports stated, this game doesn't run right out of the box. However, after a simple .NET 4.0 reinstallation[0], it starts right up and works flawlessly.
[0] WINEPREFIX="/home/$USER/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/263820/pfx" winetricks dotnet40 # When the installation dialog apperars, select "Repair"
The game runs flawlessly out of the box (when choosing the x86_64 version from the start menu).
Similarly to other reports I had to install[0] .NET v4.0 twice, as the first installation failed with:
dotnet40 install completed, but installed file /home/fsumsal/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/264200/pfx/dosdevices/c:/windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/ngen.exe not found
Running the installation once again and selecting the 'repair' option does the trick.
Note: when I tried this with the default proton version (3.x) the game would launch but without any picture.
With this simple workaround the game works flawlessly.
[0] WINEPREFIX="/home/$USER/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/264200/pfx" winetricks dotnet40
The game doesn't start at all right out-of-the box. By nuking the default wineprefix[0] and reinstalling .NET and XNA[1], you can get the game running, however, without any sound. For sound you need to install WMP9, which works only in 32-bit wine prefixes (the default Proton's one is 64-bit). Unfortunately, Proton doesn't like 32-bit prefixes, so the game won't start after switching to 32-bit one (see
[0] WINEPREFIX="/home/$USER/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/264540/pfx" winetricks annihilate [1] WINEPREFIX="/home/$USER/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/264540/pfx" winetricks dotnet40 xna40
The game starts and works perfectly without any tweaks/issues. I had some troubles with changing resolution while the game was in windowed mode (after changing the resolution the game window would remain black), so eventually I ended up playing in fullscreen.
The Steam overlay doesn't work - even though it doesn't affect the gameplay directly, it breaks the ability to buy anything from the in-game store (for real money) - either to support the developers or/and to buy some gameplay enhancements.