Still borked, despite the latest proton. Proton runs in a 64-bit prefix by default, so the suggested fix of using protontricks to install dotnet20 fails. No idea how to switch proton to a 32-bit prefix, so this is still a borked title. You'll get the launcher after 3 error messages and can use it to change graphics options, but hitting play generates an error and the game halts.
This was originally borked for me on Ubuntu 16.04, but after a full re-install to Ubuntu (Mate) 18.04, and using the protontricks 35140 mdx d3dx9 d3dcompiler_43 win10
command, the game now runs absolutely flawlessly. No issues with sounds, graphics, cut-scenes, music, or gamepad (Xbox360). It's great to replay this title after so many years.
Runs perfectly, great performance, no issues at all. Still one of my favourite games of all time, even on Linux.
Game starts and plays perfectly (although you'll have to cancel out of the prompt to create a gamespy account, since that doesn't exist anymore). The mouse is a little sensitive at times, but it otherwise plays okay for such an old game.
Cutscenes required the Glorious Eggroll version of Proton (tested with Proton-6.10-GE-1). The game is otherwise a perfect experience.
6.10-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Game works perfectly out of the box, but doesn't play any of the cutscenes, which are generally just a black screen with no sound. However, you can still skip those (the "skip scene" trigger still works). Good framerate, smooth gameplay, sound is fine. Just the cutscenes holding this back. I tried this with Glorious Eggroll's Proton-4.15-GE2 in the hope it would fix the cutscenes, but no dice.
Seemed to work perfectly, but my perks weren't levelling up after any games - neither the tutorial, nor online play would shift my perks from zero. This is apparently a random sync issue with Tripwire's server. I had to go to the game's console and type "resetstats username" to resync. I had no issues doing this, but obviously if you've played a while under windows and you get hit with this, it might be a problem.
As I said though, having done so, the game works perfectly and I haven't experienced even a single crash in nearly 10 hours of online gameplay.
Tested with 4.11-3 and also Glorious Eggroll's Proton-4.15-GE-2. Both perform flawlessly. Gameplay is smooth, sound perfect, graphics options all appear to work. Alt-Tab works normally, steam overlay works normally. Other than the usual "DirectX is installing" rubbish when you hit play for the first time after installing, this feels like a completely native game.
Only the intro videos (and short tutorials) don't show, otherwise gameplay is perfect. Easily fixed by installing mf-install.
The game will play without mf-install, however intro videos and tutorial excerpts will be invisible if you don't install it. Initial load, therefore, feels like a hang - either you simply have to wait for the invisible videos to finish playing, or install mf-install for a perfect experience.
After downloading mf-install from here (, you can install it (on Ubuntu) with WINEPREFIX="~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/455820/pfx" ./
Game runs fine "out of the box" until start of Chapter 2, where the graphics fail almost entirely. Restarting the game with PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 %command%
fixes the issue.
Game launches to a logo, then cuts to a black screen, then crashes to desktop after about a minute.
Devs have added a "Black Screen Fix" in their beta channels, but apparently it only works for Nvidia users.
Tested on Proton 6, Proton Experimental and Proton 6.10-GE-1 with much the same result (ProtonGE didn't even get to the logo - just a Unity crash on start).
Needs the "temporary_launcher_workaround" from the beta tab. First run will often give you a "connection_timeout", but thereafter, the game plays normally. EAC will kick you out of any online games, but many of the missions can be played through "custom games" with bots. Performance is excellent. If it wasn't for EAC, I suspect this would be a near-platinum experience.