WORKS ON PROTON 7.0-6 well except for the fullscreen issue where mouse doesn' follow but clicks register;Cannot launch with proton 8 and 9
Mouse doesn't work after 2nd fullscreen, click registers but mouse doesnt follow, so had click randomly to close the app upon opening fullscreen the 2nd time..
2nd fullscreen issue mentioned above, otherwise works fine
Used proton 7.0-6 first; worked well expect for that mouse fullscreen issue, cannot launch with proton 8.0-5 and 9.0-4 , both giving the same error message below
Win32 function failed : HRESULT: 0x887a0002 Call: at line 245 in file \Graphics_DisplayM.cpp
Have no idea on how to solve this issue; but otherwise works fine for me on proton 7.0-6

Had to switch to a different Proton versioon e.g. 9 or 8
Mouse was not visible after switchting from "full screen" back to "windowed" by using the button at the bottom right corner within the game
Works fine after changing settings to Proton 9 or Proton GE