The game is more enjoyable when playing with Vulkan as the Renderer. GLCore's issues can be overlooked, but I personally hated it.
To avoid visual glitches and poor performance, I had to hit PLAY on steam, choose to show the launcher and select Vulkan as the Renderer. Default was GLCore & it says Vulkan is not fully supported yet, but I didn't experience any problems with that yet over GLCore. Finally I clicked the "Run & Save as default" button.
ONLY ON GLCORE: Extreme brightness effect that doesn't change no matter how I set my brightness in the settings.
Might be related to the game being still in development. Significantly stronger performance impact on GLCore.
Playing with Proton only worked for Singleplayer. The game gives me a glitched message saying that Easy Anti Cheat doesn't trust Protons compatibility files and that I won't be able to play on official servers. As soon as a friend joins my server, my game freezes and they get a connection timeout. This happens even with EAC disabled through launch options interestingly. Also when switching between native and proton, I had to manually move the save & world files around. I tried playing with steams experimental proton version & GE-Proton 9.9.
Instant Crash. Which is a shame, because it is a good game and I'd like to play it again.
I tried the Proton steam recommends, experimental and GE9-1. Same result every time. I failed to understand the logs, but I didn't see a clear error. Most messages that look suspicious are single-step exceptions, however I also found this:
2118.778:0064:0070:warn:seh:dispatch_exception RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE exception (code=6ba) raised
At most I can theorize, that their server might detect that the request for looking for updates or something comes from a machine that doesn't run windows (or a mobile OS), therefore it doesn't even bother to respond. I don't have the knowledge to do anything with this, but perhaps someone else might?
It's a cute relaxation game where you collect mushrooms while enjoying the soundscape of a forrest.
Everything worked out of the box for me. First launch took a bit longer and it asked me to install c++ runtime, which worked immediately. The game launched after the installation dialogue just fine. I never needed to install that again. I saw that other games made with the unreal engine had that c++ runtime install as a requirement - but buggy - and you needed to download a fix for that, but I didn't need that for this game.
I don't recommend getting this game unless you love unpolished games that would be free flash / mobile games, or you want to make fun of it.
The game is in fullscreen by default and despite there being a setting to turn it off, it doesn't work. Judging by how unpolished the game is, I can't tell if it's even supposed to work.
Generally the game is buggy so it is hard to tell, what bugs might be caused due to playing on an OS the game wasn't made for.
It worked out of the box on my end and even the animations on the title screen worked. I had no need for launch options to get the game to run. I didn't try multiplayer, because my friends couldn't be bothered to get the game after seeing me play it for a few minutes.
Interesting new Zombie Survival Game that already feels like a full game despite Early Access (it does need polishing)
I kept getting tabbed out randomly while it was in fullscreen. Had to switch to windowed, which works just perfectly.
It worked out of the box for me. There was just the issue with the fullscreen setting, but that was an easy in game fix. I have been enjoying the game a lot by myself, so I didn't try multiplayer yet. I will write an update on how multiplayer goes once I get some friends to play the game with me.
It's a cool looking & upcomming racing game that focuses on drifting. Currently only the Demo is out and that is what I played.
Unsure if this is a bug of the game or specific for my setup, but when I start the game I can't accelerate or deceleration before tabbing out and back into the game at least once. All other controls work right away.
It works out of the box for me, however there is the issue with the acceleration / deceleration (up & down key on keyboard and RT & LT on a controller) not working right away. Tabbing out and back doesn't seem like a reliable way to fix it, but I have no idea how I'd go about fixing it. Once they work, they tend to work for the rest of the play session.
Twice I managed to lock up the game by pressing two shortcut keys at once that would open different menus. No idea if it's a bug in game or linux related, but on windows I haven't seen it yet and also it's not easy to replicate on Linux either...
I did have a few more issues on the Proton version Steam suggested, such as rare crashes, but with Glorious Eggroll it works just fine.
I tried using the 7-55 GE Proton, but the game wouldn't even start and I think that's due to nProtect thinking that the I was trying to cheat or something. I tried a lot of other solutions and the ONLY one that worked for me is running the game with Proton experimental and by creating a ext4 partition with casefold just for the game. The whole process of trial and error took me about 3 days, since the game is about 110gb. I followed these instructions: But due to the size of the game and the fact that you need to move a lot of files, I recommend having a 220gb size partition if you have that space available (You can resisze the partition later). It's also important to note, that you need to MOVE the files. I mistakenly copied some over on my first try and Steam considered them corrupt afterwards or something. SO I had to download everything all over again.
I had no issues with tabbing out or lag. In fact the game runs now better than it did on windows, before I switched to Linux. However, getting there does take quite a bit of understanding common Linux operations. Side note, I'm on Kubuntu in case that is relevant for anyone.
As of right now it crashes in some cases, which you can solve by disabling shaders in the options at the main menu. Otherwise it works.
During fights and on the pause menu (pressing esc), but fixable.
This game cannot be found on here, despite it being public in my library.
A few moments of stuttering, mostly when explosions happened
Crashes within ~1 minute.
I tried:
- setting beta to: temporary_launcher_workaround - Bypass Launcher
- launching with and without dx12
- consistently being the host myself (custom game)
- using the execution (btw I didn't see anyone mention WHERE to put it, it took me some trail and error, since adding it into the wrong folder causes the game to not load at all, even when the script isn't being executed)
- removing steam compat data files
- trying multiple Proton Versions
- trying different start commands such as -eac-untrusted