Game seems to work fine out of the box; No issues found so far (around 1h of play).
No major issues. Game is playable out-of-the-box.
Any beginning cut-scenes did not play. Must spam ESC-Key so that game menu/loading screen appears.
Game is playable out of the box, but must skip cut-scenes
Feezes when exiting game and crashes when loading a save game
Any beginning cut-scenes crashed the game. Must spam ESC-Key so that game menu/loading screen appears. Was able to finish the first campaign.
Out of the box, the game has some issues with overlapping text and the game not beeing able to save. After installing as mentioned in the previous reports "protontricks 644930 -q --force vcrun2017 dotnet472 gdiplus" (should take cca. 10 minutes), the previous problems seem to dissapear, and game works find. Have not yet played it for a longer time, though.
Out of the box the games has issues with some text overlapping and being unable to save.
As other reports also mentioned, running it with: "protontricks 644930 -q --force vcrun2017 dotnet472 gdiplus" (should take over 10 minutes to finish) solves these issues.
However, playing the game longer (survival mode), it seems that the game crashes. Had around 3 crashes in cca. 3h played, but the game is still playable since you can reload from the last autosave.
Game works using Proton-6.21-GE-2, and the "PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 gamemoderun %command%" launch options.
Proton-6.21-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
The game runs generally a bit slow, but playable. Had to restart the game once due to extreme performance problems (5-10 fps) when starting a new campaign game. After stopping and starting the game I was able to finish the tutorial missions without any other issues.