Touchscreen emulation works fine but since you can also play the game with the arrow keys and use wasd to quickswap I modified the layout to allow me do that.
Either Valve or EA added the community patch into the game, so neither on Linux nor Windows you need to search for it. Works like a charm.
Default resolution is blurry as heck. Enable FSR on Steam QS to solve it.
If you're playing on Steam Deck, changing your layout is neccesary. The default one is good enough but most buttons pause the game if you press them by accident. Other than that, the game works flawlessly; I strongly recommend to enable FSR to 5 on quick settings, since otherwise the old, tiny res of the game makes it a really blurry mess, and FSR fixes that just fine. Finally, if you don't like the 4:3 res you can switch the scale from Auto to Adjust; might look a lil' weird at first when you enable it but you eventually get used to it and using the entire screen is way better than having those black holes. Tried with both ProtonGE and Proton 5.0-10 as the other submission suggested, and I didn't noticed any difference between the two. It's up to you to decide which one you use.
Blur/Anti-aliasing does not work as intended
You no longer need to use launch options to have audio on videos. Game runs just fine at 60 fps, if you want to save battery you can play at 45 fps. 10/10 would recommend
Only issue is that the controller can't be remapped, but it work as it is. It's a free game so give it a try :)