If you dont care about the menu video not playing when you launch the game or that weird artiacting with the m4 skin (from what i tested)
From my testing the M4's Twitch Drop Purple Skin has a few model artifacts that look like crystals all over the gun
Main menu Video will not play in the background
Works fine no issues
100% playable with only minor issues
ea will add their dogshit anti cheat on september 1st making this game completely borked
ea anti cheat doesnt work on liux so this game will be completely non funtional on linux
this is very very sad day
they added ea anti cheat and now its not possible to play the game on linux or on wine/proton
most of the time all you have to do is force the gamge to use proton experimental to stop the stupid ea overlay crashing the game
All you have to do (for me atleast) is make the game run with proton experimental and the game ran with the shitty ea overlay included
but i will still recommend disabling the ea overlay for this game due to this game being mainly singleplayer and you dont need it to do that its in the user.ini file
which is in WHATEVER DRIVE YOU INSTALLED THE GAME ON/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/1238080/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Local/Electronic Arts/EA Desktop/ and its the file with user_randomnumbers.ini then open the file with whatever text editor you want then add this to the bottom line of the text file "user.igoenabled=0" without quotes and that should completely disable the ea overlay then save the file
this also should let you use non experimental proton versions with the game now due to the crashing issues being the stupid ea overlay this also works on steam deck too
game-performance %command%
works completly fine with 0 issues
game-performance %command%
the worst vulkan Implementation i've ever seen, low framerate meanwhile the windows version works completely fine with max fps (144)
low fps, very bad vulkan Implementation, windows runs the game WAY better
game-performance %command%
runs perfectly without any issues
game-performance %command%
native works completely fine, but the windows version with proton hard crashes after a hour or so and i dont know why but tried proton ge, base proton, and experiemental but still crashes
just stick with native
You can play the game start to finish without any issues that are linux's or protons fault, another linux W
I had one crash throughout the entire game but i think thats just the games fault not linux or proton
game runs just as good as windows, fps drops in some areas but for me i didnt have any stuttering issues, i had 1 crash near the end of the game but that wasnt linux's fault that was the games fault, buy with confidence that you will have a flawless experience!
try dx12 first to see if it works fine since in my experience is much better than dx11 and vulkan but if your having problems try dx11 firs
game-performance %command% -dx12
when launching the game for the first time on dx12 i experienced MAJOR black artifacts flickering makign the game unplayable, i switched to vulkan for a few hours just so i can play the game with my friend then switched to dx11 and had no issuesbesides low fps, then after a hour of 2 i switched back too dx12 then it ran perfectly without issues and i had my max fps i can get with my system
sometimes your mouse wouldnt click on anything in the main menu, for me my fix was just tabbing out and tabbing back in
vulkan has low fps, stutters and crashes after a few hours
vulkan for me is unstable, dx12 had major graphical issues until it randomly fixed itself when i relaunched the game with -dx12, dx11 for me had low fps problems but it was sitll very playable
game-performance %command%